Endometriosis and Infertility: How IVF Can Help

Posted by Sunflower Hospital
Apr 21, 2023
For women suffering from endometriosis or chocolate cyst, getting pregnant can be a stressful and frustrating experience. They constantly worry about their chances to conceive and bear children. The reason for such thoughts is that in women with endometriosis, there is a small cluster of endometrial tissue outside the uterus that causes painful inflammation and blood-filled cysts in the ovary.

According to the specialists at Sunflower Hospital, the symptoms of endometriosis are different for everyone and can range from mild to severe. The most common symptom is pelvic pain during menses.

But How Does Endometriosis Affect the Reproduction Process?

The experts and trained gynaecologists at the best gynecologist hospital in India explain that the endothermal growths of the tissue hinder the normal functioning of reproductive organs. When it affects the ovaries, it causes restrictions in the release of eggs. On the other hand, when it impacts the fallopian tube, it can prevent the sperm from reaching the egg or block the path of the fertilized egg to the uterus.

As complex as these situations may seem, the experts suggest IVF be effective in helping and offering desired results even at advanced stages. As per the various studies, it is also estimated that about one-third of women dealing with endometriosis can conceive naturally, but IVF can be the best solution for the remaining two-thirds.

So, How Does IVF Help in Such a Situation?

Like in the case of any medical condition, the doctors begin the process with a comprehensive evaluation. They start by examining the hormones and ovarian reserve and performing diagnostic tests, including laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. These provide valuable insights into the patient's condition and help the doctors devise a plan of action accordingly.

Surgery is often avoided in cases of small endometriomas as it can lead to loss of ovarian tissue. This can have a deteriorating effect on the women's ovarian reserves, and there are high chances of recurrence.

IVF proves to be the best solution in such cases. Here are the five fundamental steps followed in the IVF procedure:

  • The first involves stimulating the woman's reproductive organs to increase the release of healthy eggs. This process is also called Super-ovulation.
  • In the second step, the doctors retrieve the eggs from the mother and collect the sperm of the father.
  • Following this, the eggs and sperm are combined in a particular container and left for a few days for fertilization.
  • Fertilisation of the eggs results in embryo formation, which is then evaluated for quality and morphology.
  • Lastly, the embryo is transferred to the mother's womb, and once the embryo sticks to the uterus, it results in a successful pregnancy. If any healthy embryos remain, they can be stored for use in the future.

Wrapping Up

Going through endometriosis can be debilitating, and the pain of infertility makes the suffering tenfold. Hence, if you suffer from endometriosis and have trouble conceiving, you should visit the best IVF hospital in India for treatment options.
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