An Overview of Endoscopic Surgery in Gynecology
Continuous research and development in healthcare technologies have been benefiting the pharmaceutical industry and patients for decades. One such example is the use of endoscopy in the field of gynecology.
As a medical procedure, the best endoscopy in Ahmedabad allows healthcare professionals to peek inside the human body. This minimally invasive procedure involves inserting a thin and long tube through the mouth, abdomen, knee, or anus with the help of a tiny incision. Now that you know about endoscopy in general, let us proceed toward the meaning of gynecological endoscopy and its types. Let’s begin!
What is Gynecological Endoscopy?
Gynecological endoscopy refers to a minimally invasive procedure that uses optical equipment to help professionals diagnose several pathologies and issues concerning the female reproductive system, like tiny vaginal hemorrhages, infertility problems, endometrial polyps, and more.
The development and use of endoscopes during gynecological endoscopy allow professionals to operate within the human body without conducting an open surgery. Additionally, due to its minimally invasive nature, it has immensely improved the post-procedural condition of the patients.
Moreover, endoscopy is preferred over the abdominal approach due to the procedure’s several benefits. The pros include excellent visualization, minimal trauma, decrease in adhesions, minimal complications, lesser duration of stay, quick recovery, and aesthetically satisfying results with minimal invasion.
Well, this is a basic articulation of gynecological endoscopy; let’s move on to the types now.
Types of Gynecological Endoscopy
Endoscopic surgery in the field of gynecology is divided into three types. They are;
Thanks to the constantly developing medical technologies, laparoscopy as a medical procedure is quickly and successfully substituting conventional surgeries except for ones that are done for complicated or severe cases.
Diagnostic laparoscopy is of extreme value when it comes to evaluating patients with infertility, endometriosis, chronic pelvic pain, adhesions, and grading gynecological cancers.
The peritoneal cavity’s outstanding visualization helps with the accurate diagnosis and severity assessment of such conditions. This approach is highly preferred for treating various conditions, including ovarian tumors, infertility, myoma uteri, ectopic pregnancy, inflammatory masses, and endometriosis.
Saplingoscopy is used for assessing tubal cavities and tubal recanalization as a pre-surgery diagnostic tool. It basically allows professionals to evaluate the ampullary tubal mucosa during the laparoscopy.
In this procedure, a salpingoscope, i.e., a fiberoptic endoscope, is inserted via the cervical canal to better and directly visualize the fallopian tubes along with the uterus. Moreover, it can be utilized to diagnose and treat adhesions, obstructions, or other conditions and diseases.
Lastly, salpingoscopy lets professionals choose patients who can undergo tubal surgery carefully.
Hysteroscopy works wonders in assessing patients suffering from postmenopausal bleeding, abnormal uterine bleeding, recurrent pregnancy loss, and infertility. A hysterofiberscope or resectoscope is used after the liquid dilates the uterine cavity during the procedure.
The hysteroscope’s development with instruments and operating channels like biopsy forceps, scissors, and snares, along with electrosurgical operating equipment like loop and ball electrodes, enable several surgical procedures to happen hysteroscopically. Submucous myoma uteri, asherman syndrome, and uterine anomalies are some of the significant signs of hysteroscopic surgery. In addition, it is possible to perform female sterilization hysteroscopically by using several mechanical plugs or occlusive devices.
Wrapping Up
Endoscopic applications in the field of gynecology are increasing every year. There are three types of gynecological endoscopy, and even though their use cases might be different, all of them help professionals better examine a human’s inner body and understand the condition’s severity.
In case you need to know more about gynecological endoscopy or want to understand the procedure in-depth, along with the endoscopic surgery cost in India, schedule an appointment with your gynecologist.
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