Best Cheap Travel Insurance Plans

Posted by Jay Kad
Oct 23, 2015

Cheap Travel Insurance


It doesn’t take long for a relaxing holiday to turn into your worst nightmare. Though mishaps cannot always be prevented, you can be prepared for the same. Hence, it is always preferable to get travel insurance for yourself, as financial problems are the last thing you would want to worry about in such circumstances. You can purchase a cheap travel insurance, which will cover the basic necessities, if you aren’t willing to shell out a lot of money for the same.


Important Inclusions In The Coverage

Irrespective of the fact that you may buy Cheap Travel Insurance, for your trip to Whole World or an international insurance, you will need to ensure certain inclusions in your insurance.

§  Medical Coverage

Even the most cheap travel insurance that you may be considering to buy must cover emergency medical situations. There is probably nothing worse than being stuck in a foreign country, with a medical condition and having to worry about the mounting medical bills instead of focusing on getting better. Though this may not be the case in every single trip, it is better to remain prepared for such events.

§  Travel Delay

Make sure that you get covered for delays which may be the result of natural disasters, strikes, terrorism etc. However, do not expect to be paid for a delay which lasts for less than 24 hours.

§  Trip Cancellation

Even cheap travel insurance covers cancellation of the trip. Do not buy travel insurance if it doesn’t cover trip cancellations. There are a number of things which may go wrong and prevent you from going on a pre-planned trip. Without coverage for trip cancellation, you may end up losing a lot of money. However, for a fraction of the amount, such a loss can easily be averted. Even if you get a one way travel insurancefor yourself, make sure that you remain covered in case of cancellations.

§  Airline & End Supplier Insolvency

There are companies like Direct Line, fill the gap which is found in the consumer protection regarding pre bookings done by the end suppliers. A relatively new addition to travel insurances, it protects you in case the company that too your money go bust. If you are looking for cheap travel insurance, which covers this as well, then you may have to shop around for quite a bit before you find one.



Cheapest Travel Insurances

Medical Insurance

There is probably no other travel insurance that is cheaper than the one that is provided by Medical Insurance, which is why it is on the top of the list of cheap travel medical insurance. It has been found that travelers, who used this travel insurance, ended up paying about 95%, less as compared to those who didn’t have an insurance coverage. As the name mentions, this is essentially a medical cheap insurance travel. Hence, it might not provide coverage for extreme sports. Trip cancellation insurance too is provided by them.

This insurance company has a travel insurance Australia office, and also offices in 27 other countries. There are different plans for you to choose from, with each one having its own set of coverage sectors. The Basic Plan offered by Allianz is the most affordable coverage provided among all the plans, which is perfect for short getaways. This cheap travel insurance also has a classic plan which offers free travel insurance for children, as long as they are accompanied by either a parent or a grandparent. There are other plans as well, which you can look into and choose according to your convenience.

Benefits Of Travel Insurance


Getting travel insurance is generally one of the last things in the minds of people who are planning to go on a trip outside their country. Although travel insurances cannot prevent the misfortunes which may befall the traveler, even the cheap travel insuranceoffers consolation to certain extent as monetary compensation. There are a wide range of benefits that one stand to obtain using holiday insurance, and some of them are explained below.

§  Medical expenses which one may have incurred during trips can be recovered. There are a few countries where medical treatment proves to be very expensive, and in such situations even cheap travel insurance comes in handy, as it offers you respite from the impending financial problems.

§  Trip cancellations can be every traveler’s worst nightmare, especially if they have pre-booked everything. In such circumstances, travel insurance covers the loss which you may have incurred due to this cancellation.

§  Loss of personal belongings and even baggage are almost always covered in just about every kind of travel insurance.


Even if you aren’t willing to spend a lot of money on travel insurance, cheap travel insurance would do. However, never leave on a trip without one as you may never know when it might come in handy, and help you by preventing the financial losses which you may face otherwise.


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