Augine Cyber Real Estate game Is for real is more than a game it's a traffic machine!
I been a member here in Apsense for about 2 months.
I thought nothing of it. I thought its just a game?
Boy was i wrong! I been using Augine cyber real estate for the past couple days and now have my links and messages on 6 other websites.
I been checking the traffic coming back to my blogs and pages and it is well over a 100 from Augine real estate game in a couple days and im just getting started..
Augine has potential to be a great marketing center within a game
not good GREAT!
If you Are not in get in now while you can!
Start taking over other websites daily and building up your empire.
I already have my eyes on some prime real estate within apsense like the traffic exchange where the Augine widget can be seen. Also the apsense URL shortner has an augine widget.
It is like having an around the clock campaign inside and outside of Apsense except you don't have to buy credits it is non stop promoting you.
I'm starting to promote this marketing game tool outside of Apsense to bring in some fresh blood. This will be a great way to bring in new members and show them all the ways Apsense can help them for free.
If your not sure this really works have a talk with Andy Johnson his messages are everywhere within Apsense on that Augine widget.
How Augine cyber real estate works
- Your messages get seen on websites you buy
- Others click on your messages to earn income
- You in turn get extra income for being clicked
- if people have enough income they buy your site
- You get even more money to buy the high traffic sites
- in order to participate you place widget on your site
- You research other people websites traffic flow b4 buy
- The object of the game is to control the most websites
This game is free to play and fun also the most important thing of all it is promoting all your ideas. They have different continents to choose where your website will be placed. You can monitor the messages and pre-approve them if you have some concerns though that might make your land less desirable to buy. Every-time your land gets bought it goes up in value. If your website has good traffic flow it also will go up in price and become more desirable to buy.
Give this marketing game a chance you wont be disappointed!
Comments (1)
Vijaya Lakshmi
Writer, Health Consultant
What I like in Augine is the traffic we get for our links.