6 Zodiac Signs Known for Making Poor Choices

Posted by Astro Ved
Dec 14, 2023

The choices we make in life not only define us but also determine the trajectory of our lives. The quality of our life, which depends on factors like the relationships we have, the careers we pursue, the wealth and success we achieve, self-fulfillment, happiness, etc., all depend on our choices. However, not all people have the ability to make good choices. Those who make poor choices in life generally have a hard time of it. Happiness, wealth, peace, and success tend to elude them. But why do some people make bad choices? Perhaps the answer lies in the stars. Astrology says that our personalities are defined by the zodiac signs we are born under. And it is a fact that some zodiac signs are notorious for making poor choices. Let us find out which are these signs.



Aries is the sign that comes first in the zodiac. It is ruled by Planet Mars, which lends its traits to this sign. The element Fire rules Aries. Mars is an aggressive planet, and Fire signifies passion and heat. Hence, it is not surprising that Aries natives are bold, risk-taking, impulsive, and adventurous. They tend to make hasty decisions in the heat of the moment. This can often put them in difficult situations. For instance, they will break off a relationship over a small misunderstanding or book a trip at the last minute. For more insights and guidance, Chat with Astrologer.



Gemini’s planetary ruler is Mercury. Its ruling element is Air, and its symbol is the Twins, which signifies the dual personality of people born under this sign. This duality causes inner conflicts, which make Geminis rather indecisive. They are also known to be impulsive and moody. This leads them to make choices that seem muddle-headed or rash to others. They may take on too many commitments, and when they realize that they cannot do justice to them, they are likely to drop everything without any qualms.



Leo is ruled by the Sun, and its element is Fire. Leo natives are vain and demand attention all the time. They are vulnerable to flattery and can make bad decisions due to the influence of other people. Their love of drama and grand gestures can be excessive at times. This often makes them take unnecessary risks. For instance, they will place their trust in dubious people who try to sell them dubious schemes or invest in a business venture without doing proper research. All of which are classic examples of poor choices.



Libra’s planetary ruler is Venus. Librans are charming and diplomatic. They are also people-pleasers. This is because they seek harmony at all costs and would rather give in to other people’s needs and demands than assert themselves. Obviously, this is not an ideal situation for making the right choices for oneself. Libra finds it difficult to say No. For instance, they will agree to go partying with friends, though they have had a hectic day at work. In the end, they feel stressed, overwhelmed, and resentful. They find it hard to put their own needs first, and this leads to poor choices.



Sagittarius has Jupiter as its ruling planet, and its element is Fire. The Archer is the symbol of this sign. Sagittarians love to travel and explore. They suffer from wanderlust and restlessness. Their love of adventure, coupled with these traits, gives them the tendency to make spontaneous decisions. An Archer in a dull job can quit suddenly and embark on a trip to the Himalayas. They seek freedom and independence and care little for social strictures. This can lead them to make some poor choices in life.



Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac wheel. This sign is ruled by Neptune and the Water element. Pisces natives are very creative and imaginative. They are sensitive souls who are ill-equipped to deal with harsh realities. They would rather escape into a fantasy or dream world where they feel safe. This tendency to avoid reality leads them to make impractical choices. They might, for instance, refuse to see the faults in their friends or lovers, which can prevent them from forming good relationships. Or, they may take up an unrealistic project and end up wasting their time and losing their money.



Astrology is a good indicator of our personality traits. If you know what your zodiac sign is, you can identify your strengths and weaknesses. However, one has to take many things into account, like the Moon sign, Ascendant, etc., apart from the Sun sign, to get the complete picture. For example, a person whose Sun sign, Moon sign, and Ascendant are Aries, Taurus, and Capricorn may be more careful in their choices as both Taurus and Capricorn are Earth signs, which are known for their practical and stable natures.


For more insights and guidance, Talk To Astrologer.

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