3 Common Misconceptions About Organic Food that Are Holding Us Back

Posted by Natasha Manual
Dec 12, 2019

There is a growing consciousness among the consumers regarding the food and farming system of the new age. The chemically intensive, energy-consuming, climate destabilizing, factory-farmed, genetically engineered products and associated processes are completely taking toll of our health, biodiversity and climate stability. Consumers are increasingly aware of the fact that industrial agriculture and factory farms are causing alarming environmental concerns. All this has rapidly boosted the demand for organic food. But even in this robust demand, there are certain wrong beliefs that are holding the consumers in choosing organic food. This episode we are decoding some of the wrong beliefs that are blocking us from following organic food culture.

Confidence in the conventional food

People are relatively more confident about the conventional food that comes with a certified label qualifying the norms and regulations. We are not so conscious about checking the reliability of the labels. We just believe the hyper-local food marketplace to be true and trustworthy. Most of the time, the organic product or any certified tags are fake to just entice the audience, which we are largely failing to understand. We also believe that organic food is way more nutritious than conventional food. On the contrary, both conventional and organic food have the same nutrition value. What makes the decisive factor is the number of pesticides used during cultivation. Both organic and conventional food uses pesticides, however, the amount used in the former is relatively less. Most of the time, we buy conventional food with the belief that our system is monitoring things well to ensure that the consumers are well protected.

Environmental Idealism

Organic food producers have attained the consumer’s consensus of minimizing environmental concerns while cultivation. They are typically believed to follow ethical practices that save environmental concerns. However, a larger portion of the consumers still believes that progressive conventional food manufactures also follow these practices while purchasing from the best food ordering app. We believe that organic food is not necessarily a criterion while buying food products. In addition to that, there are certain organic food practices that are hard to implement like the measures to check or restore the groundwater levels, feeding nutrient levels by irrigation or adding supplements to the soil, etc. Compost which is one of the major inputs of organic farms has recorded alarming carbon levels due to the shocking levels of carbon footprint and methane emissions. All these statistics have made us least bothered about organic food.

Ethical concerns

Today organic tag is everywhere. You look at the business districts of a state or remote hinterlands, everywhere there is the organic tag raised for selling food products. Whether it’s true or not, people typically view these marketing tactics with an element of doubt. There are several small and medium scale enterprises who miscues the trust associated with the organic way of creating food. This has made the public believe that organic tags are widely used to demonize conventional food. The organic food marketers are quietly reaping the benefits of this false propaganda. While the highly cautious customer starts doubting why they insist on buying organic when there is no assurance that its not conventional food. Hence people tend to be approaching the alternatives for organic food with more practical thoughts, in an idealistic way and with more ethical concerns.

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