- Home Network IP Address

Posted by Donald R.
May 7, 2016

Things that you can do with the

Ip address is one of the most essential things that are needed for every computer to get in communication with each other devices. As the way, this address is comprised of the numbers that are used for identifying the computer that are connected to the network. In fact, these IP addresses are available in two different types and they are known as the public IP address and the private IP address. In this way, the private addresses are used within the network and so the device that are having this private IP address cannot be accessed from outside of the network. These private IP addresses are available in the range from to In this article, you will see about the IP address in the most effective manner.

What is the IP address?

Actually, the IP address is used as the default IP address for most of the home broadband routers and access points. In fact, the products or the routers that are having this IP address are mostly used in the United States. In this manner, some of the manufacturers who are using this IP address as their default gateway are the Philips and Senao.  However, some other router and access point’s manufacturers have also used this as their default IP address.

By using this IP address, you can log in to the console of the router in the highly effective way. For this purpose, you need to use this IP address as follows.


As the way, you need to provide this IP address on your browser for getting the access to the router’s console.  In fact, this is the private network address and so you cannot connect to a router from outside of the home network.

Customize the settings by using this IP address

If you have provided this IP address in the address bar of your web browser, it can show you the login screen. This screen asks for your username and password of your account. So, you need to provide your username and password according to the router you have used. Yes, each router has its own username and password based on the brands.

When you do not know about your username and password, you can simply get them through your personal computer. As the way, if you are using the windows operating system, you need to open the command prompt and provide the command as ipconfig. This will provide you the entire details about the network of your personal computer including the IP address and the authentication details. So, you can get them through this way.

Once you have gained this username and password of your router, you can provide them on your browser. Then, it will redirect you to the page of router’s console, where you can customize your settings in the easiest manner. In this way, you can alter the settings of the router by using this username and password of your account. 

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