Formula For Momentum

Posted by Dianne Reid
May 28, 2011

 Tonight I'll think of Momentum..What is 
momentum?  we would think of   body 

moment ,The impetus gained by a moving object, A moving car and so on..But I 

would like to think of it as courage, focus, strengths and talent,
Momentum also goes hand in hand with personal productivity. Momentum allows you to make the most of your time and create exceptional results you would have great difficulty to achieve without it.
In the beginning you would be  putting in daily effort, doing various tasks to give your business that momentum it needs and in the first few days or weeks  you don’t see many results, once someone is doing enough of the right things consistently their using momentum and you'll  soon take off and you will regularly get excellent results and become very successful online.. I'll end with one of the best author who wrote the books  Wealth Without Risk and Financial Self-Defense   

Success requires first expending ten units of effort to produce one unit of results. Your momentum will then produce ten units of results with each unit of effort. –Charles J. Givens
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