Time Mangement?? A Myth?
We constantly hear ourselves and others lament....
I don't have enough TIME!
In my Humble opinion that is an excuse for really Not Wanting To
start or complete a Task.
Most "new" entrepreneurs have the mistaken concept that their Plate Must be Full,
and what happens is little gets done, and the sense of Inadequacy sets in
and moves on to sense of Failure.
Check out another Blog Post regarding Too Much on Our Plate
For the past 50 years I have learned to schedule a few Important Activities a day and be sure to perform the Daily Mundane tasks of growing a successful business. Ideally have these task completed before noon and spend the rest of time THINKING and Creating New Concepts. I have never used a "Day Planner" But do write down my "new" TASKS the might before.
Click on the Image below and watch a simple Video
Comments (6)
Allan Haastrup
I agree with Snappy. Either you have excuses or you have results.
Like the new spin, because I've been doing time management for a while, not being all that successfull with it as I wanted. Looking forward to the info.
Cindy Bolley
My lists have lists.
But gosh it feels wonderful to be able to CROSS THINGS OFF
I'm with you Nick, But as I cross off one I seem to add 2
Nick Grimshawe
Personal Development Coach
You make a good point. Sometimes the simple systems are the best. I've tried some pretty complex stuff but it comes down to KISS. I write out a to do list the night before, and then work to cross of as much of it as I can. Works well for me.
Nachin Delgado
I always find time todo what I need to do
Aleksandar Misackovs...
not really, i always find time for the things i like to do
Kaiser Nabola
Lazy people always have an excuse. If you keep doing the same old thing, your life is never going to change. Take action now to have financial freedom.