What attracts people to these posts on APSense?

Posted by Chuck Bartok
Jul 4, 2016
Image Years ago when APSense first started, many of us posted great content, not just bombarding of Get Rich Quick blather.

I left for a while when the spurious content grew.

Having returned, I have been sharing quality content regarding literature and real marketing direction. For the past 55 years, business focus has been rewarding for me and those who have followed many of the simple common sense ideas shared in our blogs, Radio Talk Shows, and Videos.

All of my businesses have flourished, continuing to grow in sales and profit, especially with the effective use of Social Media. Because of that I spend most of my sharing content generated by others.

I hired a young man in 1970 as he left the USMC and he became on of my top agents for my global ventures.

In the past few years he has been writing fact based fiction and publishing most for FREE.

What I do not understand is WHY so few take the time to READ, or visit the content.

No hype, nothing to buy....
BUT all of the stories leave a sense of possible personal growth.

I get the impression few are interested in READING for the joy of letting imagination run rampant. It was a free rein imagination that help build our businesses over the past 5 decades.

Want read for fun and enjoyment?

Visit his site, always something new.
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We are going to start filming two novels on location in Hawaii soon and that will be a fun journey to follow

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Comments (2)
Science Daily

Research Writer

Thanks for the information, I really do like to read valuable content.

Jul 11, 2016 Like it
Jose Julius

Do YOU want to change?

Hi James, thank you for sharing! A lot has changed over the years and some people will this change is good and others will not agree. I prefer audio and video compared to reading.

Jul 6, 2016 Like it
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