How many people see your site each day?

May 17, 2008

If you have been working with me for a while then you will know that the two questions I repeatedly ask my team members are:

- How many names did you add to your contact list today? 

- How many persons did you invite today?

And by invite I mean invite to take a look at your business oportunity, be it LifeWave, GDI or otherwise.

What really makes the difference as to whether you make money or go bust is all dependant on how many people see your site each day.

There's an interesting new marketing system that can easily and very realistically send alot of real visitors to your website, and it won't cost you a thing.

All you have to do is  check it out and give it a kick start.

Update August 2008. The site is unfortunately no longer available, and the domain is up for sale. With all the traffic this site was/is receiving why would the owner let it go?! A strange world at times, but maybe a hidden opportunity for one of us :-)

This may not change the way you market forever, but it will certainly open your eyes and imagination to creative ways of marketing on the internet.

Enjoy and good luck!

PS. This is how my genealogy looked after a couple of days and there was a measurable jump in visitors and sign ups for uVme (my leading program)... it's turning out to be a brilliant little list builder in its own right!

Websites Displaying Your Advert in Pos 1
Websites Displaying Your Advert in Pos 2
Websites Displaying Your Advert in Pos 3
Websites Displaying Your Advert in Pos 4
Websites Displaying Your Advert in Pos 5
Websites Displaying Your Advert in Pos 6


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Comments (53)
No longer an active ...

There is a neat feature in the member's back office called "view downline". Although we are not collecting contact details, we can see how many members are joining in each level. This translates into how many real people have actually visited and seen your website. So when you have 1 million members in your downline, you know that you have had 1 million real visitors to your website.

Now I know that I am not adding to my contact list this way, but isn't the whole purpose of building a contact l

May 18, 2008 Like it
Melvin B

Great article and good program.

May 17, 2008 Like it
Baldur Bjarnason

Self Employed (Business)

Hi, and thank you for this post, I have bin member at .t2000ultra for 3 yers

Best Regards
Baldur Bjarnason

May 17, 2008 Like it

great post

May 17, 2008 Like it

great post man!

May 17, 2008 Like it
No longer an active ...

The post could have been entitled "1 million visitors to your website in 30 days" but that sounds a little blabla and hype like. What appealed to me was the basic idea behind this marketing tool. And I hope it will inspire our own marketing efforts.

By the way, it was quick to setup and apart from giving it a good kick start, it requires zero maintenance or further attention.

May 17, 2008 Like it

Nice post

May 17, 2008 Like it

i guess it's a nice work done there.hope to know more on this.

May 17, 2008 Like it
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