Embarrassment is the last thing a guy wants to experience when unveiling his member to a lady, but that's what can happen when dry male organ skin rears its ugly head. Although a man may be properly attentive to his male organ health, dry skin can still become an issue – and one that needs to be dealt with promptly.

An unappealing manhood

When member skin is dry, it often becomes flaky and unattractive. Even when flakiness is not present, dryness can cause wrinkling and cracking on the member, which is not very appealing. Often men aren't even aware that dry male organ skin is a problem. If they use lubricant while self-pleasuring, this may mask the fact that the skin is normally dry.

While many men enjoy looking at themselves bare in the mirror, many do not go in for a close visual inspection of the manhood – and so they may not be cognizant of just how dry the male member skin is. However, when a guy unveils his manhood for the first time to a woman, she may want to take a nice, long look at it; hopefully she will want to handle it for quite a while, too. Perhaps she will favor a man with a little oral gratification. All of this requires up-close involvement with the member. She is in a better position to spot any flaws, such as dry male organ skin, and to experience them in a direct and personal way.


When a woman backs away from a member because of dry skin, it can be an occasion of major embarrassment for a man – whether he was aware of the dry male organ situation beforehand or not.

Even if a woman does not notice or comment on the issue, it can cause a man to feel self-conscious and unsure of himself and his appeal – at precisely the time when he needs to be feeling at his most manly and confident.

True, there are some men who do not suffer from any doubts about their appeal; whether single-mindedly focused on getting sensual satisfaction or simply supremely confident that what they have to offer is of superior quality, they perform with no problems. But when a man has some small (or large) worries about his ultimate appeal to a woman in particular (or women in general), the last thing he needs is something that causes him to doubt himself.

Take steps.

That's why it's important for a man to take steps to avoid the entire dry male organ issue and to treat it when it does occur. Practicing proper hygiene is certainly important, but that doesn't mean a guy needs to wash himself several times a day. Often, too much washing can be the problem, especially if the soap one uses is too harsh. Also, hot showers can actually dry the skin, so using warm rather than hot water is important.

Other factors to consider include whether the body as a whole is dehydrated; a man may need to drink more fluids. Also, indoor heating systems often create dry air conditions which contribute to dry skin on the entire body, including the manhood.

Whatever the cause, it is crucial that a man regularly use a superior male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) in order to prevent and treat dry male organ skin and avoid the embarrassment that can accompany it. A good male organ health crème is going to include the combination of a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E); these work together to lock moisture into the skin and keep dry skin at bay. Also key: using a crème that includes a potent antioxidant such as alpha lipoic acid. This can counteract oxidative and aging processes that result in the crinkly manhood look associated with dry skin. Properly pampering the member skin pays off in the form of a more appealing manhood that a woman will want to know more intimately.

Visit http://www.menshealthfirst.com for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving member sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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