A Curved Male Organ – When to Be Concerned

Posted by John Dugan
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Most men think their equipment should be straight as an arrow, but the fact of the matter is that the majority of men have a slightly curved male organ – both while flaccid and firm.  It is normal for men to get anxious about something they feel is abnormal – particularly when it is below the belt – but a curved member is no reason for embarrassment, hiding, or insisting the lights go off before the pants do.  With some exceptions, men with a curving male organ were probably just born that way, and should try to embrace the uniqueness and focus more on maintaining a healthy male organ After all, it is more important to have a working male organ than a picture perfect shaft.  

What causes a curved male organ?

While a bending shaft may seem like a cause for concern, the bottom line is that a curve to the left, right, up or down is likely just the way it came.  The curve has likely been there since birth, but it didn’t rear its ugly little head (literally and figuratively) until intimate activity became more frequent or important in life.  There are rumors flying around that too frequent manual stroking may have caused the curve, or that switching to the other hand for self-pleasure could reverse the curve.  Those ideas are both false.  However, while too frequent manual stroking is not the cause for a leftward lean, too rough or physical manual stroking or intimacy can lead to a curvature of the male organ.  More on that later.

Will this make intimacy more difficult or painful?

For the majority of men, a slight curve in the male organ will not be noticed or felt during intimate intimacy.  A woman’s body does not have the same ability for touch and sensation as the hands or fingers, so unless it has a severe curve – say a 45 degree angle or more – she is unlikely to feel the difference during intimacy.  In cases of severe male organ curvature, getting hard, coming, and intimacy can all become more difficult, and in some cases painful for the man and his partner.  Such an extreme condition is known as Peyronie’s disease and is an advanced type of male organ curvature caused by injury to the male organ, and is not present at birth.

Is a curved male organ ever a problem?

Short version: yes, it can be. Peyronie’s disease occurs when scar tissue and plaque builds up on the shaft of the male organ, essentially shortening one side of the male organ and causing it to curve.  Peyronie’s generally evolves slowly, as the plaque deposits increase over time. However, it is possible for the condition to occur virtually overnight, in the case of a severe trauma to the male organ typically brought on during rough or particularly creative intimacy gone wrong.

Is there a way to cure a curved male organ?

In the case of the gentle, non-painful curving of the male organ, there is no need for medical treatment.  Even in men with Peyronie’s disease, medical treatment typically does not happen until the curve has made intimacy impossible.  The most common form of treatment is surgery to remove the plaque area and possibly implant a device to help keep the male organ straight.

Prevention is most certainly the best option to avoid extreme curvature of the male organ.  Avoiding extremely rough manual stroking or intimacy, which can break down the tissue and cause scarring of the male organ, is one way to avoid direct injury to the male organ.  Using athletic padding, and especially wearing an athletic cup when engaging in high contact sports, could stave off injury as well.

A high-quality male organ health formula (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can help keep the male organ – gentle curve and all – healthy by increasing blood flow to the area and moisturizing the delicate skin.  Specially formulated with vitamins and minerals, a male organ crème may also help improve or reduce the presence of scar tissue that can result in Peyronie’s disease.

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: http://www.man1health.com.  John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.