A partner-transmitted infection is not something to mess around with; getting infected can cause serious issues that go beyond having a sore male organ. It can impact other parts of the body, so avoiding these infections is crucial for both a guy's male organ health and his overall health. 

Not always warning signals 

One thing that is important to know right away: often a partner-transmitted INFECTION may be asymptomatic – that is, a guy can contract the disease without showing any symptoms or with signs that are not really obvious. That's one of the reasons that always using a latex barrier and other forms of safe behavior is so important: this helps protect a man from acquiring a disease and, if he has already acquired one but has no symptoms, it helps prevent him from unknowingly spreading the disease to his partners. 

There are quite a few intimacy-related infections. Sometimes, the symptoms of one overlap significantly with those of another; other times, there is little or no overlap. 

That said, here are some of the warning signals that are often associated with a partner-transmitted infection: 

- Male organ drips. Often the infected male organ will discharge a small amount of fluid unrelated to urination or emission. The fluid may range from watery to thick and often may be yellowish in color. 

- Blood. Blood in the urine or male fluid is never a good sign. Although it can have other causes, partner-related infections are often responsible. Some men may not recognize blood in seed or urine; it typically causes a dark brown coloration. 

- Pain. When a sore male organ experiences a pain, whether a burning, a stinging, or another form, it may be an infection. Though it could be a simple urinary infection, it may also be a sign of partner-transmitted disease. The pain may occur while urinating or at any time during an intimate experience. 

- Emission odor. If the emissions develop a nasty scent, check for infection as a cause. 

- Marks. Chancre sores, blisters, sores, bumps, and warts are all possible indications that medical help may be needed to fight an infection. (Again, there may be other causes, such as dermatological factors, for some of these, so their presence does not by itself indicate a partner-transmitted disease.) 

- Flu-like symptoms. These are especially common with viral infections and include swollen glands, fever, sore throat, aches and pains. 

Again, just because a man has some of these symptoms does NOT necessarily mean that he has a partner transmitted disease; however, it is always better to be safe than sorry. If symptoms are present, and if a man is active (and especially if he does not consistently practice safe intimacy), then a visit to the doctor is recommended. Early diagnosis and treatment is important for the best outcomes. Catching an infection early may keep it from becoming a serious issue.

And remember: if a man discovers he has an infection, he needs to let his partner(s) know of this fact so that they can also be checked. 

Avoiding a partner-transmitted infection is well worth the effort; keeping the male organ in proper health pays off. Part of any man's regular male organ health maintenance routine should be the daily use of a top drawer male organ nutrient cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). What should a man look for in an effective cream? Among other things, it should include a superior antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, which can help prevent early aging of male cells. It should also include a wide range of vitamins, including B5, C, D and E – and one with vitamin A has the added bonus of helping to prevent unwanted male organ odor.

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