No man likes having a sore manhood, but it does happen; much more problematic and serious is a male organ that has contracted a partner-transmitted infection. Promptly treating partner-transmitted infections is one of the most crucial aspects of proper male organ health; leaving a partner-transmitted infection to "take care of itself" can have very serious consequences.

What are partner-transmitted infections?

As the name implies, partner-transmitted infections are infections that are passed along primarily or exclusively through intimate contact between two individuals. About 19,000,000 new infections occur annually in the U.S., and they are disproportionately found among younger people, due the fact that they tend to have more partners; they are also more likely to engage in unprotected activity.

How does a guy know if he has a partner-transmitted infection?

One of the issues with many partner-transmitted infections is that a man may never know he has one if he isn't tested; while there are some symptoms associated with some partner-transmitted infections, many people who catch an partner-transmitted infection do not show symptoms or do not show them until late in the infection's progression.

Testing and treatment

Because symptoms do not always pop up to signal a partner-transmitted infection, it's important that a man takes steps to avoid contracting one in the first place. The most important preventive step for an active man is to make sure he always wears protection when engaging in intimate contact.

It's also a good idea for an active man to periodically be tested for partner-transmitted infections; if he is active and has engaged in any unprotected contact, getting tested soon after the encounters is crucial. Identifying a partner-transmitted infection early and beginning prompt treatment increases the likelihood that the treatment will be successful and that permanent damage can be prevented.

Where to get treated

In most cases, a person's general physician can provide the tests and treatment that are required for a partner-transmitted infection; however, some men may feel uncomfortable going to their regular doctor. They may feel that they will be judged or may simply feel uncomfortable sharing information about their encounters with someone whom they see on a regular and ongoing basis. In such cases, there are other options to consider:

1) Urologist. Visiting a urologist, a doctor who specializes in the urinary tract and male organ-related issues is one good option. As a specialist, he should have experience in identifying and treating common partner-transmitted infections.

2) Urgent care. Many urgent care clinics have opened in recent years; these are centers which take "drop-in" cases, kind of like an emergency room in a hospital but usually for less severe cases. As with general physicians, different centers accept different health plans, so it's usually a good idea to find out this information before visiting.

3) Health departments. Many local health departments have partner-transmitted infection-related services; depending on where a man lives, these services may be free or low cost.

4) Hospitals. As with urgent care clinics, it's good to check on insurance coverage before pursuing this option.

5) Planned Parenthood. Most Planned Parenthood centers offer partner-transmitted infection services for both men and women.

Avoiding partner-transmitted infections is crucial for male organ health, but so is regular male organ health maintenance; using a top notch male organ nutrient cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) helps provide the proper everyday care a vibrant male organ needs. The best cream will include L-arginine, an ingredient which is very helpful in maintaining processes that encourage appropriate male organ blood flow. Another important ingredient to look for is acetyl L-carnitine, which aids in repairing the negative effects of peripheral nerve damage in the sore manhood, restoring a member to a proper level of sensitivity.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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