When a man is busy pumping iron, the last thing he wants to worry about is starching his gym shorts while he’s doing it.  Surprising though it may be to the unsuspecting gym rat, accidental emission is not an indication that something is wrong with a man’s reproductive heath.  Learn more about this condition as well as how to keep the male organ healthy.

What is exercise emission?

Pretty much what it sounds like, exercise emission occurs when a man releases fluid during intense physical exercise.  It is more commonly associated with weight lifting, but other strenuous exercises – particularly those that engage the core muscles – can also cause the release of fluid.  If that doesn’t make that last set of sit-ups seem interesting, nothing will!

Is exercise emission a sign of a health condition?

Though it is not an everyday occurrence for most men, a man is not going to appear in Ripley’s Believe it or Not because he releases a little fluid during exercise. Coming during exercise has not been found to be associated with any male organ or prostate health issues and is not a risk to a man’s well-being.  Additionally, in most cases, the volume of fluid released is likely to be a lesser amount than what would be expelled during relations, so there is a good chance nobody else would notice the little problem if it was taken care of right away.

What exactly causes this to happen?

If one thinks about the anatomy of the body and the way it moves during vigorous exercising, there is a great deal of crunching, straining, tightening and curling of the abdominal, pelvic and core muscles.  And what is located within the muscles of the pelvic floor?  The prostate gland.  So it is fairly intuitive to see that a very intense abdominal and core workout puts a lot of pressure and squeezing on the prostate gland, which, in some cases, expels some semen. Most men fluidwho experience this condition report that they come through a soft male organ, which further indicates it is linked to internal squeezing of the prostate gland.

Can anything be done to prevent it from happening?

Well, that probably depends on each man’s individual case.  First of all, pay attention to what exercises set it off.  If it is one specific exercise only that causes the emission, try modifying that exercise so it is less intense or swapping another exercise out for it.  Some men report being able to feel when fluid is about to be released – though it is a different feeling than during intimacy – and are able to take a break from working out until the feeling subsides to help prevent it. Also take notice of if there are certain days it is more common. If, for example, it only occurs when it has been a few days since having relations or a solo session, it is likely that is the trigger.  One way to ensure little or no fluid is released during emission is to get off just prior to hitting the gym; this will void the body of seed and likely eliminate the problem.  Also, some men who experience this more times than not when working out, opt to use a pad or underwear liner to help absorb fluid if it is released and prevent an embarrassing spot on the gym shorts.

Keeping the male organ healthy

Any man who is hitting the gym is already doing some good for his male organ.  After all, working out improves cardiovascular health, muscle tone and circulation – all of which contribute to a nice healthy tumescence.  Men who want to step up their game should use a male organ health formula every day (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to keep the male organ running at peak performance.  A special male organ formula can help improve and maintain proper circulation, fight male organ aging and wrinkling, and improve the appearance of the male organ skin itself. Wash, lotion, and repeat daily – it’s that simple!

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: http://www.man1health.com. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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