Keeping the body and mind healthy and promoting adequate male organ function is something all men should strive for.  Eating healthy foods, exercising, managing stress, and yes, going to the doctor when sick, are all important to living a long and satisfying life.  With so much information available these days, it is easy to get bogged down with good fats, bad fats, high carbs, low carbs, protein, fiber and vitamins.

Even the most well-intentioned among us have difficulty balancing the essential vitamins and nutrients to meet the daily recommended intake.  While some men blow off the importance of a balanced diet, believe it or not, all those nutrients pack a powerful punch in terms of male organ health. Boosting male organ function really is as easy as A, B, C… and D too.

Vitamins for Male Organ Health

Vitamin A:  Vitamin A is known for its anti-bacterial properties. When it comes to a man’s equipment, this adds up to odor protection in an area where – let’s face it – it is important to be fresh and clean.  Vitamin A not only wipes out unpleasant odors, it helps fight bacteria that can lead to fungus, thrush, or yeast infections – another condition no man wants to see on his twig and berries.  Bacteria thrive in the warm, moist crevices of the pelvic region, and applying vitamin A topically can help to ward them off.

Vitamin B5:  Vitamin B5 helps provide the boost the male organ needs to function at its best.  The vitamin improves cell metabolism while bolstering immune system response, helping to keep the manhood healthy and kicking.  B5 has also been linked to an increase in androgen levels, which can go the distance in improving a sluggish male drive, too.

Vitamin C:  Not just for busting colds anymore, vitamin C encourages the body’s collagen production, which can help improve male tissue firmness. It also contributes to the health of the blood vessels, improving circulation and allowing for increased blood flow to the area.

Vitamin D:  Vitamin D is critical to healthy skin and bones, and when it comes to the male organ, a vitamin D infused cream can help keep the skin hydrated and smooth.  Vitamin D soothes dry, cracked skin, which can lead to irritation and uncomfortable itching.  Vitamin D also has healing properties and has been found to improve skin conditions like psoriasis and rashes.

Caring for the Male Organ

When it comes to male organ care, remembering the ABC’s is an easy way to make sure one is getting the needed vitamins for optimal male organ health.  Eating a balanced diet high in fruits and vegetables can help a man reach the recommended daily intake of Vitamins A, B5, C, and D.  For men who are less than fond of leafy greens, a vitamin-enriched male organ vitamin formula may be the way to go.  Applying the formula directly to the skin allows for maximum absorption of the vitamins right where they are going to be most beneficial.  When vitamins are ingested orally, they are absorbed more slowly through the digestive track and transported throughout the body, whereas a male organ cream targets the male organ giving the user a more concentrated dose.

Integrating a male organ health creme (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) into one’s daily routine is as easy as 1-2-3:  1) Shower as usual, washing the area with gentle soap and water. 2) Pat dry with a towel, leaving some moisture on the skin – do not rub as that can damage the delicate male skin.  3) Slather the member in vitamin-rich male organ oil to help lock in the post-shower moisture, and go about the rest of the grooming routine as normal. So when it comes to male organ care, there is no need to get caught up in confusing mumbo jumbo, just remember the ABC’s and 123’s! 

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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