Everyone has days when they feel sluggish, like it is even hard to roll out of bed and put one foot in front of the other.  On those days, an extra cup of coffee may be the trick to get up and running for the day.  What happens, though, when the body and mind are ready and willing, save for one little part? A tired male organ and lack-luster male drive is something no man wants to deal with – and certainly not on a regular basis. Luckily, there are ways to pep up the male organ so it is standing by and ready when it is needed most. Something as simple as adding vitamin B5 to the daily male organ care routine can be the boost a man needs to keeping the male organ healthy and highly functioning, and that is enough to put a little pep in anyone’s step!

Why B5?

B5 is a vitamin that works in the body to turn incoming food into outgoing energy. It is essential to the body’s functioning, yet most people are unfamiliar with all of its healthful properties.  Vitamin B5 serves to help the body form new, healthy red blood cells while boosting immune function.  In addition to creating that much-needed energy and vitality the body needs, it also metabolizes protein, synthesizes fats and cholesterol, and works to regulate blood sugars in the body. B5 is a hard-working vitamin; because it is water-soluble – which basically means it is not stored in the body, but rather, unused B5 is excreted in one’s urine – it needs to be taken every day to reap the full benefits.

Another happy benefit of vitamin B5 is the stress-busting and mood-boosting properties it brings with it.  In fact, reaching for some B5 during the mid-day slump may provide the energy rush and feel good mood enhancement that many people rely on caffeine for – without the jittery crash that comes with it.  Vitamin B5 also carries with it some heart-healthy properties, as it may help to raise HDL – known as good cholesterol—while lowering levels of LDL, the dreaded bad cholesterol.

Of course, vitamin B5 also brings with it an important male organ perk in that some studies have shown the vitamin to naturally boost a man’s androgen level.  Androgen – the male hormone that is the driving force behind a man’s male drive – naturally depletes as a factor of aging, which contributes to a less than stellar performance behind closed doors. Thus, any vitamin that helps keeps a man’s androgen level high is a must have on the daily intake meter.

How to take Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 is found in many food sources that most men are probably eating on a regular basis anyhow, so it is not terribly hard to up the intake in one’s diet.  Beef, pork, liver, mushrooms, salmon, tuna, sunflower seeds, pistachios, eggs and legumes are all excellent sources of B5.  Not a fan of nuts, or prefer to maintain a meat-free diet? That is okay too; vitamin supplements are available to help boost up one’s intake of essential vitamins and nutrients, helping to achieve the daily recommended doses of everything the body needs to look and feel good. 

As an added bonus, men who are looking to really benefit from the male organ enhancing benefits of B5 can even reap the benefits via a topical male organ vitamin creme (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil).  A vitamin creme that is specially formulated for use on the male organ delivers a powerful punch of B5, right where it is most beneficial: the male organ.  The benefits of getting B5 in this manner are that it is quickly absorbed through the skin where it helps increase the health of the male organ cells for improved manhood functioning. 

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