Loss of male organ feeling can have a profound effect on a man’s life – it is quite common to hear from men who have experienced a drop in manhood sensation that is enough to prevent them from enjoying healthy and satisfying intimate encounters. Men who are affected by this problem - and there are many – may lose confidence in their own masculinity and feel a sense of hopelessness at the idea that they may never be able to enjoy intimate pleasure again.   

The good news is that lack of male organ sensation is not always a lost cause. A number of health and lifestyle factors can affect sensation, and addressing these may restore male organ health and responsiveness to tactile stimulation.

Stressed, dry male organ skin

While the male organ is fairly resilient, constant stress due to vigorous self-stimulation, not to mention exposure to latex, body fluids, and even rough clothing, can trigger the skin’s natural defenses. The outer dermal layers tend to respond to friction damage by forming a thicker layer of keratinized tissue, which serves as a sort of armor to protect the underlying tissue, but also effectively deadens male organ sensation to a certain extent.

Moisturizing the male organ skin regularly and using a personal lubricant can help to alleviate this issue; practicing soft touch, rather than yanking away at the equipment, may also allow the skin to heal while providing a new range of pleasurable sensations.

Circulatory Issues

Reduced blood flow to the area can have a negative effect on male organ sensation, as the nerve cells become deprived of oxygen and no longer function normally. Cardiovascular problems, damage to circulatory tissue from diabetes, being overweight, and riding a horse or bicycle on a regular basis can all restrict blood flow to the area. Smoking tobacco can also severely affect male organ sensation, as it is a major factor in the destruction of manhood circulatory tissue. In fact, simply wearing clothing that is too tight might result in a drop in male organ sensitivity.

Improving heart health, quitting smoking, and wearing non-restrictive clothing, not to mention losing weight, can contribute to increased male organ sensation.

Nerve damage

Damage to the neural tissue, both in the male organ and elsewhere in the body, can disrupt the chain of communication between the brain and male organ nerve cells that is responsible for pleasurable sensation. Diabetic neuropathy is a leading cause of manhood nerve damage. Surgery of the prostate or male organ can also damage delicate nerve tissue, while spinal injuries can also interrupt the transfer of sensory information.

Prostate problems

Men with prostate issues such as prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or prostatitis (an inflammatory condition) may experience a drop in male organ sensation due to the pressure placed on the manhood nerves by a swollen or enlarged prostate gland. Supporting prostate health and having regular physical exams, especially after the age of 40, is suggested in order to detect problems in their early stages and address them before they can become a factor in intimate health. 

Supporting a healthy & responsive male organ

While not all instances of reduced male organ sensation can be prevented, men can take some steps to ensure that their male organ is as healthy and receptive to stimulation as possible. In the first place, avoiding or eliminating the potential causes of lost male organ sensation is essential. Keeping body weight to a reasonable level, exercising regularly, drinking plenty of water and using a personal lubricant for self-pleasure and intimate relations are all part of a healthy male organ regiment. Wearing non-restrictive clothing can also promote adequate circulation, a major factor in male organ sensation.

Many men also find that applying a specially formulated male organ nutrient cream (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that is rich in vitamins, antioxidants, energy-boosting amino acids and natural emollients can restore youthful male organ skin and increase male organ sensitivity. Even men with diabetic neuropathy have reported some restoration of sensation after using a high-quality male organ health cream.

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: http://www.man1health.com. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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