Thyroid is a gland present in the lower neck. It produces secretions called hormones that are responsible for normal development of brain, growth of body and regulating metabolism. Hypothyroidism is deficiency of thyroid hormone and neonatal hypothyroidism means lack of sufficient thyroid hormones in newborns. A very small percentage of infants are born with zero thyroid hormone. If the child carries the disease by birth, it is called congenital/ neonatal hypothyroidism. Sometimes, child develops the deficiency soon after the birth and in that case the condition is known as acquired hypothyroidism in new born period.

What factors Cause this disease in Newborns?

Girls are more affected with this disease as compared to boys of the same age. There could be three possibilities leading to congenital hypothyroidism:

Malfunctioning pituitary gland
Non working thyroid hormones
Underdeveloped Thyroid gland

How to know your baby has hypothyroidism?

It is very difficult to detect hypothyroidism in infants but a few symptoms in cases of greater deficiency are evidence enough for presence of the disease. A few of the symptoms of hypothyroidism in newborns are

Hoarse voice/ cry
Dryness of hair and skin
Brittle nails
Difficulty in breathing
Puffy or swollen face
Thick tongue sticking outwards

Various complications can occur as a result of hypothyroidism in newborns. These complications include mental and physical retardation and heart problems. If a pregnant mother has taken radioactive treatment for thyroid cancer, then the baby should be screened for hypothyroidism as this medicine is likely to destroy the baby's thyroid gland.

Prognosis and Treatment

If detected very early, the prognosis is good. Even some cases show normal results of mental intelligence and physical functions when diagnosed and treated in the first month of their birth. Natural cures for thyroid disease are used when mainstream medicines fail to show improvements.

Hypothyroidism can be treated in Allopathy by replacing thyroid hormone as the body is not providing a sufficient amount. The thyroid medicines are given to the patient and his blood samples are regularly monitored to ensure that hormonal levels remain in the optimum range.

For possible prevention from this disease, mothers should incorporate a minimal quantity of iodine in the regular diet. Use of iodine as an antiseptic should also be avoided. The hormone replacement therapy is done using Levothyroxine, Levothroid, Levoxyl or Synthroid which has the thyroxine hormone. If properly monitored and carefully checked, the hormonal values remain in a safe zone and bear no side effects.

The medications are available at LiveHealthMart

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