Welcome to my blog and thank you for taking the time and interest to read it. The purpose of this blog is for me to share my struggles with addiction and finding out that I have Bi-polar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder with severe depression and in hopes that it might help someone else and bring awareness to the Borderline Personality Disorder and Bi-Polar  Disorder. I want to help spread the message that drug addiction is a disease and that people with mental disorders are not solved or improved in prision. We need to raise awareness to this effect. If you or someone you know has an addiction or mental disorder, or both, like me, I'd love to hear from you. If you'd like to send me a private email at: gwilliams715@gmail.com. GOD BLESS!

To read and learn more about this, go here to start:http://ginny-williams.blogspot.com/2008_07_01_archive.html

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