When building your Network Marketing business the fear of rejection is probably one of the biggest obstacles we have to overcome.
Have you ever read the KFC story?

Let's spell Determination:
How many 60 year olds would be able to handle hearing rejection more than 1,000 times and keep going?
But then Sanders was no ordinary 60 year old. Indeed, whether it was KFC or one of his prior failed startups, Sanders never seemed to care about what was standing in his way.
Instead, he only focused on clearing the obstacles on the road to success.

This is an entrepreneur who started off on the brink of poverty, who's life seemed to have gotten a whole lot better for him and who heard the word NO over 1000 times. And yet, he was able to turn a little service station into the international fast-food franchising success it is now!

What about you? I know you've got dreams and goals and hopes and plans and desires. But will you achieve them?
You know you have what it takes.
Unfortunately, just as a high performance car can spin its wheels and go nowhere, many bright people waste their lives in the same way.



You won't get anyone to say yes unless you're willing to take the risk that they'll say no. To get the answer you seek, you must ask.

When you ask, there is the possibility of rejection. And though rejection may seem like something to avoid, is it really so bad?

What's much, much worse is to live in fear of rejection. When you never even ask, the answer is always no.

What if you could simply let go of that fear of rejection? The fact is, you can.

Some people will value what you say, what you do, what you seek, and other people won't. Keep reminding yourself that's their concern, not yours.

Choose to do what you know is worthy and what you know is best. Let go of the useless and limiting fear of rejection, and feel the freedom to truly soar.

 Ralph Marston


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