More rejection is NOT good for you!

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More rejection isn't good for you.

New distributor: ''But I contacted 100 people and only one person wanted to come to a presentation. I hate all this rejection!''

Sponsor: ''Great! See what is happening? For every 99 times you are rejected, you get one person to come to a presentation. All you need to do is to talk to more people.''


If you are the distributor getting all this rejection, you're tired of hearing these rah-rah motivational lessons:

* Every ''No'' brings you closer to a ''Yes.''

* Pretend that you are getting paid for every ''No. ''

* They're not rejecting you, they are just rejecting the opportunity.

* Each ''No'' is just one person closer to a ''Yes.''

Wouldn't it be easier to learn new skills? New skills that will get more prospects to tell you ''Yes''... Wouldn't it be more fun to get 50 people to say ''Yes'' instead of only one person out of 100?

Instead of working harder, and getting more rejection, let's learn new skills.

Ready to start now?

Tom Big Al Schreiter


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