Plan your work and work your Plan. I know you heard all this stuff before but take action and you will see results. If your plan is to write an article then put it on your Hubpage, Squidoo page and GoArticle do that first. Take a look at your list for the day, if check your email is not number two do not check your emails until your daily plan is complete.

Don’t feel bad if you don’t stick to your list but focus. I have been in your shoes were I get caught up reading emails and great articles, you can’t get caught up. have a day for learning new ideas but today stick to the plan.

I have been in online marketing for a few years and the best thing I have learned was how to generate leads. When you know how to drive people to your product or service you can then promote any business that fits you. Start your day with a plan to market your product or service and don’t do any task that is not marketing.

When I first joined my online business I was talking to everyone anyone three feet in foot of me. Then I found a mentor (Find One) they were using YouTube to generate leads. My mentor said YouTube don’t sleep you could pitch your business 24hrs a day 7 Days a Week and international.

Maybe you want to get more than 20 leads per day you must start by changing your thought pattern from one of poverty and lack to prosperity and abundance. There are tons of people that want and need extra income, and it don’t matter what company it is. People want to know your product or service does what you say it does then your company pays what it says it will pay. Now all they want is a marketing plan.

Once you have a YouTube video up, test to see the results what are people saying in the comment field. Have two videos up do one with your company product or service your promoting, then do one with just you. Linked it to your Capture Page and have a Aweber account to collect your prospects contact information, and see what is the better traffic source. If you don’t have a capture page contact me and I can show you how to get one up and working. If you don’t have an Aweber account or email generation company I can also help you with getting one.

If you are not happy with your company or the results of your marketing instead of getting frustrated, get excited. Because, until you get dissatisfied you won’t do anything to really take action. You need to know is it the product or the marketing? Maybe position yourself to make multiply stream of income. How do you do that? One example is I use Mike Dillards products one of them is call “Building On A Budget” This is a great book that teaches you how to market your business on a budget. A lot of the ideas are FREE. You can buy this book and enjoy and the things he explains and you can also turn around and make money when you sale the book to your team or anyone looking to learn to grow their business.

Stay consistent with your marketing efforts; mix other marketing like Hubpages, Apsence, Facebook, Yelp, try these and watch your leads come in. Anthony Robbins says in Personal Power “The biggest trap that keeps people from taking action is fear; fear of failure, fear of success, fear of rejection, fear of pain, fear of the unknown. The only way to deal with fear is to face it.”






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