INVISUS is a 7 year old Managed Internet Security company. From the research I have done, I have not found any company out there that offers exactly what they have.

They have partnered with the world's best security firms, to create their managed service. Including the world's largest provider of Identity Theft Insurance.

Here are a few of the stratigic partners who provide them with their security technologies.

Sophos - By far the world's leader in enterprise grade anti-virus technologies.
SunBelt Software - Again the world's leader in Anti-Spyware technologies
AIG - The world's leader in Indentity Theft Insurance
Now, that is not the full list of their partners, but it will give you plenty to research.

INVISUS provides enterprise protection to the individual PC user and small business. They are also the driving force behind the world's first Cyberhood Watch Community, providing the largest network of individuals fighting against Cyber Crime and internet predators.

So, I am sure when you do your research and talk to other experts in the Securty field you will find INVISUS is well known!

All Logo's used on INVISUS, INVISUS Direct and My INVISUS Direct web sites are used correctly.

As a marketing organization we do not hide who is providing the security engines we use in our MIS service. So when you review the sites above and see specific awards and logo's it is because the Security Engines that power our service are classified "Best of Breed" and have earned each and ever award listed.

Although people can find our sites by doing a search, most people who visit our sites have already talked to a rep, and fully understand what they are reviewing and have been sent to a specific page.

In the Internet Business, I am sure we all realize that a company would not be around 7 years in the security field, if they are not legit and making a difference!

Here is something else to think about. If you do a search on INVISUS or their marketing arm INVISUS Direct, you will not find any negative press by critics or other security experts. Now that is something to think about.

Jennifer Sasser

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