The Rebirth Of MySpace?

Posted by Paul Hines
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The story is similar to an overweight boxer going away for a few years, working hard on his conditioning and performance before re-entering the ring looking fitter than ever, hungry for the world title.

MySpace is starting to win back a new breed of user thanks to its graphical overhaul and reinvention, and owners News Corp have already scored something of a knockout blow to their rivals by agreeing a multiyear search and advertising agreement with Google.

Search results and search advertising on MySpace will be powered by Google who will also provide additional display ad services. The terms haven?t been disclosed though, but if it?s anything like the $900 million deal between the pair in 2006 then news Corp have every reason to be pleased.

Myspace Front Page

There was a lot of uncertainty around the deal, especially because of the powerful lead held by other social media services such as Facebook and Twitter. But Google?s backing shows that MySpace?s second coming is here to stay ? and the only way is up.

It?s had to go through some changes, though. This isn?t the MySpace of yore that helped lay a lot of social media foundations. It?s now more of a social link building entertainment platform than a place to network, and Google obviously see another deal with News Corp as beneficial to their future.

It may be too tough a challenge to wrestle the limelight back from Facebook, Twitter and others, but MySpace are certainly laying the necessary foundations for future success. Google and MySpace ? do we have to start considering search engine marketing for the latter too, now?? Well, stranger things have happened in this ever-shifting industry!

It?ll be interesting to see in 2011 just how seriously Facebook and Twitter regard the competition posed by the new MySpace, and whether any users who migrated over to these platforms fall in love with MySpace all over again and return. Could it lead to a whole new breed of social media services designed to keep their core users? We?ll have to wait and see?