So in three weeks time, we are getting two more puppies to add to our pack of two Alaskan Malamutes.
We live in Malaga and drove upto Segovia last weekend to choose two puppies from a litter of 11. Not an easy experience I can tell you!

We had second choice from the 5 boys and second choice from the six girls.
We settled for the boy who was born first as he will be a big dog and as we want thim to team with our male in pulling that was a good choice. Breeders from Italy have the first pick of the boy, and as the male we choose has slightly too long hair to show, the Italians will not want him, so that was the easy choice. That is him in the picture at 37 days.
The girls were not so easy. We wanted one to breed, so choose two and will take whichever one is not chosen by the breeders who have first pick.

Now we have go to back in three weeks and collect them! This will involve a seven hour drive with our two adult dogs, let them socialise and drive them all home again on the return seven hour trip.

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