Contact Info
Fort Myers, FL -
I write to recommend Monna. Monna has been here in APSense for some years and doing well. Get connected with Monna and benefit from the experience on ...
I have worked with Monna in a few online companies. She is a hard, honest, compassionate and supper worker. She will help you if she can and send y...
I think Monna Ellithorpe great woman , friend and help all time any one , so she great
Monna is a great writer, published author and an Indepedent Consultant of Paparazzi Accessories
I please to have to know Monna for a few years now, a great person, sincere and honests in her dealing with others. Her experiences exceed what she ha...
Shared an update.
Every Tuesday @ 7pm est, 6pm cst, 5pm mst, 4pm pst I do a Facebook live showing gorgeous jewelry fro
Shared an update.
I am an Independent Consultant of Paparazzi Accessories and each day I’m am more sure that I’ve ...