
Scott Potter

Vice President of Sales, Last online: 5 days ago

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    Scott Potter
    Vice President of Sales

    Created a new article.
    Electropolishing: Alloys & Benefits
    Manufacturers of mission-critical parts that lives are dependent upon, from aerospace vehicles to surgical implants to equipment that handles food, there little margin for error. A...
    Jul 23, 2024
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    Scott Potter
    Vice President of Sales

    Listed a new item.
    Ultrasonic Solvent Vacuum Degreasing
    Quickly remove grease and oil for your metal parts using high-frequency sound waves.
    Jul 23, 2024
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    Scott Potter
    Vice President of Sales

    Listed a new item.
    Passivation: Nitric & Citric
    Passivation is a chemical cleaning process that is designed to remove free iron and other ferrous contaminants from the surface of stainless steel parts.
    Jul 23, 2024
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    Scott Potter
    Vice President of Sales

    Listed a new item.
    Electropolishing of Stainless Steel & Other Alloys
    Electropolishing eliminates metal surface defects and improves corrosion resistance by removing a microscopically precise layer of surface material, to tolerances as low as +/-.000...
    Jul 23, 2024
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  • There is no better electropolishing service that I have found, which Able Electropolishing pioneered since the 1950s.