
Scott Potter

Vice President of Sales, Last online: 5 days ago

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In his role as Vice President of Sales at Able Electropolishing, Scott is responsible for managing the sales and marketing efforts which largely include educating metalworking companies about the effectiveness and added value that electropolishing and their other services lend to their customers. Scott has been assisting Able customers with metal finishing solutions since 1989.


  • VP Sales
    Nov 1989 to Present

    Scott is responsible for managing the sales and marketing efforts of Able Electropolishing, which largely include educating metalworking companies about the effectiveness and added value that electropolishing offers.

  • APSense Member
    July 19, 2024

    Joined the APSense community.

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  • There is no better electropolishing service that I have found, which Able Electropolishing pioneered since the 1950s.