Detailed revenue from my content

Posted by Barbara Eyre
Oct 2, 2007
Is there anyway, in the near future perhaps, to have a breakdown of "my content" revenue? This way, I can see which of my blogs and such are getting the revenue and where I need to improve in my content. I guess that's becoming a lot like Adsense and it's channels. *grins*
Comments (10)
Barbara Eyre

I'm sorry if I didn't make myself clear. Thea, though she got dizzy going in circle *chuckles*, she did sum up my intentions for this thread.

I hate that revenue would be the better indicator, but if you have a blog entry (or other content) that is pulling in more revenue, then that means that the subject is of interest to many and you can branch off from that subject and create mini-subjects ... or you have created a well-written content that you need to model the rest of your content off o

Oct 2, 2007 Like it
Chuck Bartok

Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing

I really hope no one is here for the revnue from This Effort.

You would be spending way too much time for so little...
We should be here for the Sharing of ideas, tooting our horns, introducing ourselves and what we believe in.

If anyone here wants to EARN money ftom Writing Content and ideas there many many more venues to provide much more in compensation.

A good article writer can get $8 or more, easily, for 400 -500 words.(fifteen minutes)
And everyone here Knows something about so

Oct 2, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Eric,

What can I say except little things please little minds.
It just shows the childish mentality of some members.

Oct 2, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

hi Beth,

If everyone just refreshed their blogs then nothing new would ever get the chance to be seen, and there is only so much tweaking one can do to a post.

One also runs the risk of people seeing the same post so many times by the same author that when they post a new one it will be ignore as members will assume its just tje same one they have already read.

Better to post fresh comments in the post or completely new posts.

Oct 2, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

I agree with all the comments here... it would be a nifty gadget being able to see where the revenue is coming from... but it shouldn't detract from the purpose of a social networking site...

As a side note, Bj, I read in another thread that someone voted your BC down again... i guess this is not the time to bring up accountability, but i remember you BC well and have always given it an 8.

Oct 2, 2007 Like it
Beth Schmillen

Hi Barbara,

I didn't know other sites let you know which postings on your blog brought in how many uniques hits and earnings... that would be nice to know... I go by the hits counter that seems to count mine as well... which is good because the number of views adds up to something when you are posting new blogs and posts! (i think!)

One way is to update a blog daily if it's just to proof read and re-post it... it keeps it fresh in the listings as far as I can tell...

Bj... does it work like t

Oct 2, 2007 Like it
Thea Westra

Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!

"I always produce articles based on giving useful information not on what it will bring in revenue."
Me too, yet surely the better the content, the better the revenue and likely vice versa, if we make changes to our content to increase revenue perhaps that may also incidentally improve the content - at very least it gets our good content read by more visitors, and good content always deserves increased traffic.
Which then again...increases revenue.

Aaaargh! Do I sound like I'm going around in

Oct 2, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

The aim of a social networking site which is what APSense is, is to network and get to know people.

This in my opinion should be our prime concern. The earnings are a bonus and should not be the primary driving force.

I always produce articles based on giving useful information not on what it will bring in revenue.

Oct 2, 2007 Like it
Barbara Eyre

Thanks, Eric for that tip.

It would be nice to know if a blog entry of mine isn't pulling in the revenue, then I can go and revamp that entry to make it more appealing to visitors. Same goes with other aspects of my content. Helps us to know where we are weak on our contribution and where we are strong. That can domino effect into our sales ad copy in our own businesses.

Oct 2, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Although there us nothing formal for this, there is the "Hits" section that shows how many page visits you individual blog has had.

Unfortunately this doesn't show unique hits and thats where the money comes from.

I like your idea though Barbara.

Oct 2, 2007 Like it
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