Google Picks Up ABC's Regardless Of Member Ratings

Posted by Lynn I.
Aug 16, 2007
There has been alot of posts about apsense business centers ratings. And how members are purposely voting other members down in order to make themselves look better. Let me assure you that only matters the larger picture, if your business center is done well and you have presented yourself well and you have content that google deems good, you will show in their search, apsense has made the ABC's very google friendly. I was purposely voted do I know you may ask...members get only one you may change that vote as often as you like. Hopefully this would done to increase a vote, as a member keeps improving. But, when your score drops with no vote means someone lowered their original my case it has happened more than once. Of course I wonder why people would do such a thing...and it does sadden me to know that there are members like this among us. But, it only hurts here, I did a google search on "apsense". I was very pleased with the results. So before casting that vengeful vote, take a look at the larger picture. There were a few on the front page of the google search, that were no where to be found on the apsense ratings page. So, the next time you are voting be fair. And the next time your score drops, don't let it get to you. Because in the long run your business center will be seen. Lynn
Comments (22)
Eric Smith

Online Professional

I agree Lynn.

I developed my own system for voting on BC's so i could easily remember what i gave preciously.

I simply broke the main page into 5 areas (first impressions count).

1. Slideshow / Profile Picture
2. Featured Business Opportunities
3. Groups / Resources / Links
4. Content
5. Featured Products

From above....

If each of the 5 areas have been updated then its a definite "5" vote"

an extra vote is given in each area if it is complete - for example - 5 groups and re

Aug 16, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Lynn,

Very good point you raise, there are some small minded members unfortunatly that will cast a low vote just to pull a site down on the ratings.

It really is time those members grew up.

They seem to think if they drag sites down they will get up in the ratings.

There is only one way to get there and that is make a decent presentation of the BC and keep trying to improve it.

Bill Brown aka Bjantiques

Aug 16, 2007 Like it
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