Google Picks Up ABC's Regardless Of Member Ratings

Posted by Lynn I.
Aug 16, 2007
There has been alot of posts about apsense business centers ratings. And how members are purposely voting other members down in order to make themselves look better. Let me assure you that only matters the larger picture, if your business center is done well and you have presented yourself well and you have content that google deems good, you will show in their search, apsense has made the ABC's very google friendly. I was purposely voted do I know you may ask...members get only one you may change that vote as often as you like. Hopefully this would done to increase a vote, as a member keeps improving. But, when your score drops with no vote means someone lowered their original my case it has happened more than once. Of course I wonder why people would do such a thing...and it does sadden me to know that there are members like this among us. But, it only hurts here, I did a google search on "apsense". I was very pleased with the results. So before casting that vengeful vote, take a look at the larger picture. There were a few on the front page of the google search, that were no where to be found on the apsense ratings page. So, the next time you are voting be fair. And the next time your score drops, don't let it get to you. Because in the long run your business center will be seen. Lynn
Comments (22)
Not Here

just want my account deleted

My score dropped as my content got more orginal, good thing I don't care what others think(abc ratings), I know what I know.

Sep 30, 2007 Like it
Sherri-Anne Myers

Ladystrange Lingerie

I noticed my score went down dramatically recently as though someone gave me a zero or something. Okay my center is not great but come on.

When I rate them I start at 5. Then I go to 4 if I see copy pasted ad copy, or only a few sentences or it makes no sense. I go up from 5 if all of the content is compatible, and the layout is good etc.

I realize we have alot of new people, people we have referred, and it takes awhile to get it, if ya know what I mean.

I do not think that I could eve

Sep 30, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

I answered this for you yesterday when you asked in this thread.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend, Lynn

Sep 30, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

Hi Wendy,

You can get to the BCE from a few areas. From your profile, click on the Business Exchange Button. Or click on the Business Centers Tab across the top of any page. You'll see an image for the Business Center Exchange - click on it and a new window will open. You are now able to vote on the ABCs that are displayed.

Hope that helps!

Sep 30, 2007 Like it


For the sake of sounding like totally obtuse here

How do you rate a business center

I have searched every where without success.

I know how to post testimonies but how to rate them is beyond

Must be "old timers" setting in LOl


Sep 30, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

I just answered this very same question in another post....
Members do have to publish their business centers to the exchange. This is not done for them. As far as limiting the viewing of exchanges to only those who have theirs active...that would stop all guest viewing. And the idea of having to write why you voted the way you did, most likely will not happen. Its kind of like the top and drop feature in the fact that these are kept private so there are no "paybacks" for a lack of a better wor

Aug 18, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

I have been thinking about this topic a lot in the last 24 hours and i have a couple of considerations.

1. Would it be possible to reset "all" business centres to OFF for the business exchange and then have members activate them ONLY if they want their BC shown in the Exchange - this wouldn't have to effect current votes/points since members have the opportunity to reset them already.

2. If members choose not to have their BC in the exchange then they should not have the right to view or v

Aug 17, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Hi Karen,

Thats because i follow Zig Ziglars teachings....

".....We can all have anything we want in life if we just help enough other people get what they want...."

Aug 17, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

Hi Eric,

I'm not sure how my saying the competition occurs out of a mentality of lack could have any impact at all on anyone's mindset. You either believe that we live in a world of abundance, or you believe that there is a limited supply of... "stuff". Most of us were raised with the poverty mindset, including myself.

I don't have a negative attitude toward competition. I simply see it for what it is. If giving false negative ratings isn't an act of desperation, I don't know what else

Aug 17, 2007 Like it
Beth Schmillen


thanks for the thread about reset info on abc ratings


Aug 17, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Unfortunately though Karen, by saying "....People who feel a need to compete are desperate because they have a mentality of lack....." you are putting people into groups and grouping people in this sense only encourages a "mentality of lack"....

We are ALL on an equally competitive playing field and only those scared or concerned about losing a high position would say otherwise or criticise the system for a lack of ranking.

My Apsense Business Centre is currently ranked 3rd in google for

Aug 17, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

Hi Lynn,

I know I sound like a broken record on this issue, but again the rating systems across the board encourage competition. Even the nicest of people, when feeling desperate will do things such as give false negative (and positive) ratings in efforts to raise themselves and their friends. People who feel a need to compete are desperate because they have a mentality of lack - they believe that there is not enough to go around and they have a dog eat dog mindset. They don't understand t

Aug 17, 2007 Like it

my rating goes up and down, but not by much. I don't take it personally, and I take it as something for me to work on. A few have left suggestions for what I should do, and am working on it. It is unfortunate that some are purposely doing that lynn. That is not good business.


Aug 17, 2007 Like it
Mick R.

Webmaster & Entrepreneur


Good subject and i glad you brought it up
last week i googled something ...i can not remember
what it was but it was probably something I'm working
now ,My apsense came in 1st position then i thought
that can not be so fast... i couldn't believe it. I have
also seen other subjects doing well. So all i can
say I'm happy. As for the cheaters ...if that is the case
very sad individuals.


Aug 16, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

I am all for the voting system, because it is good to get honest feedback on our business centers...keyword is "honest". And I agree with you that it has made members step up and do a better job. Than if there wasn't the voting. Lynn

Aug 16, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional


but i do think the Voting system is a good idea, it gives us all a reason to "compete with ourselves" and improve our Business centres beyond what we probably would have done without the vote system...

Aug 16, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

This thread answers your questions about the reset option.

Aug 16, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

I am hoping that we all have our own system when rating business centers. And that we use them to rate all centers fairly. But, the main reason for this post is to let those people know that they really aren't hurting anybody by placing their low scores on our sites. Apsense has made the abc's very google friendly. And those are the ratings that we should be striving for. Lynn

Aug 16, 2007 Like it
Terry Simpson

It is unfortunate that people would spend their time on bringing down someone's BC.

If they would do as BJ says and grow up then spend their time on improving their own BC's we would all be better off.

Nice post Lynn


Aug 16, 2007 Like it
Beth Schmillen

HI Lynn and Bj,

The low ratings is an odd phenomenon! I thought I saw where you can reset your ratings? or the number who has submitted the rating when it reaches 25?

How does that work? is it still there?

I think those of us who rate and invite and network and take the time to write a testimonial will eventuall win out over the more critical reviewers!

Maybe they really don't like certain layouts or feel what you have done isn't up to what you could have done if you really took t

Aug 16, 2007 Like it
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