Slide Show Problem?....AGAIN!

Posted by Bob Laibach
Aug 9, 2007
I can't seem to upload my images. It tells me they are not JPEG format. They most certainly are. They are also small enough that the size is not an issue. What is the problem? This is very frustrating to spend hours resizing for this slide show 250x200 and each file is less than 50kb. I sent a ticket for suppost but maybe someoe else can help.
Comments (9)
Mike Hunt

sometimes it might save as .JPG instead of .jpg ... that will stop a pic from uploading properly if .JPG isn`t allowable aslo ... I find that gets me quite often uploading images to my own website ... lol ... it`ll stick in my head one day ; )


Aug 10, 2007 Like it
Lateef Oladeji

Internet Marketer

Thanks to all for raising and commenting on this issue. I have been frustrated over the slideshow thing several times, and have kept trying to see how to get around it. I never tried the .jpg option before, but I will try that now and see what comes out of it - success I hope. Sharing is really important in this business!

Aug 10, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Hey Bob,

If your images are available on line and you can get me the links i would be happy to resize / rename them for you. Send me a PM if you would like me to do this.

Aug 10, 2007 Like it
Bob Laibach

Okay support redid my image. Now jpeg is NOT an accepatable format for the slide show It must be [b]jpg only[/b]

Like I said though I don't have time for this any longer. No slide show for me. I am not going to redo this again and again .......

Aug 10, 2007 Like it
Bob Laibach

Well the site says either jpg or jpeg format. So i spent quite a bit of time changing and making them in a jpeg format. Now, this doesn't work? I think I'll just bag the slide show. I will either come up with a program that can run on my page or not have one at all. This is worse than trying to maintain your own site. The rules change so when you spend your valuable time doing something they tell you will work then....oh sorry. That was incorrect.
Thanks everyone who tried to help but I quit t

Aug 10, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

I just checked mine, it was .jpg that worked for me, .jpeg didn't work....

Aug 9, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

I have had the same problem, i tried a few different things but what i found was there is a difference in files labelled .jpg and .jpeg if you can try with both formats and see if one works over the other.

Aug 9, 2007 Like it
Rusty Rose

Sometimes if a "gif" is saved as a "jpg," it will say jpg but will only operate as a gif. Depends on where he got his images from. You can try re-saving them as "gifs" and see if they work that way.

Aug 9, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Bob,

This sounds odd, If you have saved in Jpeg /jpg format and they have the extention .jpg then they should work.

I have someone that I am expecting on line soon that is still creating their BC and I will ask them to run a test and let you know what the result is.

If you get a solution from support please post it and top it, so it stays at the top of all the comments.

Bill Brown aka Bjantiques

Aug 9, 2007 Like it
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