Contact Messages

Posted by Dr Don Yates Sr PhD
Mar 14, 2010
I can not say as I like to use messages to say thanks to someone joining me.  Too much hassle.  Have I missed a shortcut to new contact where I can say hello, thanks and welcome. Opps I just had to change "messages" to "contact messages", because "messages" was too short.
Comments (9)
Deborah Marslender

Business Owner

Dr. Don;
your post was an eye opener and nudge of guilt. In my "busy-ness" I pushed the hellos and greetings aside at times. I now will put them as important; and use the 5 seconds it takes to say hello.
Then send at least a "hey; how ya doin"(that's how we say it southern style :~)
I could have sent 3 greetings while I was here!! hahahahaha

It was nice chatting with you Dr.Yates.


Oct 4, 2010 Like it
James Mwaizinga

Network/Internet Marketer

and in fact returning a thank you massage with some extra appreciating words proves to the other person that you a real and not those automated software out there. Apsense is a business and getting in-touch is a way to share discuss and create business relationships so its important one to have a humble reply that creates easiness in dealing with the person in future communications.

Sep 27, 2010 Like it
Matthew Johnson

Hi, I have a question.
Do you contact at least 10,000 Marketers a day with your ads?

Because that is exactly what my computer is doing for me right now... Im not at home; I'm at the lake with my 2 young boys.

If 1 sale per thousand contacts earns me 75.00, Then I will make 750.00 today! Every Day! How much a day would that be for your product?

Hi, I'm Matt

What do all the successful online marketers already know?

"He who promotes the most, wins!"

Jun 23, 2010 Like it
Patty d.

Promotor OJS

I agree! Not to at least say hello IS rude. Why ask for contact IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE...
I was a lead Cashier for years. You can not say enough "Have A Good Day" To Your Customer's. It isn't just the store bringing them back =)
Thanks for this post Dr. Don Yates

May 4, 2010 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

Bill your too funny, why l enjoy reading your comments, right to the point..............Made me smile just now..thanks ..

Dr Yates,

Somethings are never honestly missed, it all depends on your wants, needs and most of desire to do what you actually think is right. No one understand this more then l do, l always write a thank you note no, NOT GENERATED by an auto responder. That would be rude......sales, is all about empathy how you show case your talents, on the net, the old Mexican way

Mar 23, 2010 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

I've found the quickest way to get to know people on the site and build relationships id to visit their posts and blogs and comment. I find that an acknowledgment of "Hey Thanks for the add" tends to be a one shot deal, especially with those who are not active. But getting around the site and commenting regularly people get to know you.

Mar 23, 2010 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

No there is not a way to automate it Gloria, and in my opinion an automated hello and thank you would be down right rude and ignorant.

For Don.
If it is too much hassle to be polite and send a thank you message to those you invite then don't invite them to be your contacts.

Mar 22, 2010 Like it
Peter Watson aka sur...

Build an Income Online

I think we all are guilty of lapses in courtesy as things get busy. :) I to beg people's acceptance of the situation and believe that most, if not all will.

Relationships develop, and should not be forced.. IMHO


Mar 21, 2010 Like it
Solo Ads Traffic Exc...

Is there a way to automate this? I did not know.

Mar 20, 2010 Like it
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