Have our blogs become advertising?

Posted by Edna Moore
Aug 13, 2007
I see now where I have to chose a category to list my blog under and they are all for advertising or how to's. what if I am just talking about something not trying to sell anything? Just letting people know how things are going? which category should I use? Thanks, sissie
Comments (17)
Denise Smith

Finally others agree with me. Well this site is a great idea and with some more fine tuning it will be even better.

It is discouraging when you are new and you go around and see an interesting group, you join it in hopes of having a normal communication about the Groups subject. But no they are all full of ads. I keep checking back and even created my own group to see if I could actually meet people without ads in my face but so far that is not happening. Many people join my groups but instea

Aug 16, 2007 Like it
Edna Moore

Yes we fortunate to be in a community where Admin not only hears, but responds?

Thank you for helping me everyone:)

Aug 13, 2007 Like it
Jenny Stewart

Hi Again

I think that these changes are all very good, as long as they are carried out to conform with the needs of the Comunity and not based on empirical data on its use to date.

I am beginning to sound like a cracked record - but until we get well thought out categories on the Group Subjects, and the Blogs (with only one category choice available - not like the busines centres which may cover several areas) , advertising will dominate ApSense.

Tags are fine if you like them - but they wi

Aug 13, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

This link also helps to explain this. We needed a blog category for life in general..lol..so the name came easy. And please remember that there is only ONE blog category for advertising. Lynn

Aug 13, 2007 Like it
Kristian H.

GOT Team Cofounder


Your idea on the categories for products/services is not bad, however products and services currently fall under the business centers. In order for us to have an effective categorized product/services listings we would need to add a new system. Perhaps an apsense store/mall would be a good development for the future.


Aug 13, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

I will often hyperlink to certain keywords within an article - I guess that could be classified as advertising, but my articles aren't written as "Hot deal", "Buy before its too late", "Special offer" type of BLATANT advertising.

Aug 13, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

Hey Sissie, fellow APSensers,

Aren't we fortunate to be in a community where Admin not only hears, but responds?

First of all, Jenny has been asking for categories... POOF, categories start to appear... You ask for a non advertising category... POOF... Life in General appears.

Kristian - how about adding categories for products and services. We could have a great little store here! Shopping is difficult when all the products are lumped together.

Thank you APSense!

~ Karen ~

Aug 13, 2007 Like it
Sherry Gillmore

Candle Maker

I'm guilty of using my blog spaces for ads ! I personally feel that using every avenue of marketing yourself and your product should be taken in order to guarantee your reaching the maximum consumer percent looking for you ,and as far as personal blogs I blend those with business ones I like knowing a little about my doctor before he lays his hands on me ,so I give back to my customers what I would appreciate as well!!

Aug 13, 2007 Like it
Kristian H.

GOT Team Cofounder

ALL ads are suppose to go into the "classified ads" category. All other categories are meant for quality rich contents.

The last 2 weeks apsense has been working on IMPROVING what we have rather than adding... these changes are mainly to simplify and push for more and better quality contents rather than ads. This week's newsletter will comments on all the improvements we have made. I will say one thing now, our site is a lot better than what it was 1 month ago with all the improvments.

Aug 13, 2007 Like it
Edna Moore

I thought our blogs were just that writing our thoughts not Advertising.
I can advertise in my group that or in any other number of groups here or even in our ABCenter.

Aug 13, 2007 Like it
Sarah Pritchard

CEO, Angel Cuddle Publishing

Hello Sissie,

That was my thought too.

Perhaps we can request a blog section for those who want to do content and articles that have nothing to do with mlm and advertising etc.

I haven't looked at the categories but I've just read people's blogs or the titles of them. It is a shame if the blogs are just more adverts and nothing but adverts.

Best wishes,

Aug 13, 2007 Like it
Michael Brock

Wasup Sissie,

I agree with you & think it should be addressed by management. Cuz not e'ryone here is into advertising, MLM, etc. KUDOS on a great point made!

Your Friend In Flavoland,

Michael Brock
A.k.a. Michael Brockefellerâ„¢ 1 & Mike B

Aug 13, 2007 Like it
Margaret Elmendorf

Sissie I totally agree with you. I thought that the blogs were not supposed to be about advertising. Guess they have changed that too. I haven't written a blog in a while, so didn't know about the catagories. Maybe they could have a misc.

Aug 13, 2007 Like it
Jenny Stewart

Hi Sissie - I'll drink to that!

There are no categories for Arts and Crafts either - so my Groups blogs dont fit in many places either!. It seems to be designed for the mlm market and for advertising promotions, rather than content rich stuff.

Maybe we should comment to the owners?


Aug 13, 2007 Like it
Edna Moore

I do not see that in the category's to chose.

Aug 13, 2007 Like it
Chuck Bartok

Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing


How about "How to be Friends and learning to develop relationships"

That is what marketing is really all about anyway...


Aug 13, 2007 Like it
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