Naming Your iChannels For Search Engine Traffic

Posted by Mike Hunt
Dec 4, 2007
Edited & Updated With More Information 7th December 2007 AEST G`day, the iChannels looks great, i`ve just logged in and started setting one up but what I would like to point out is most people are wasting the opportunity to name theirs correctly ... specifically for Search Engine Traffic. Some of the names i`ve seen straight away will hurt your iChannel in the Search Engines eyes ... not improve it. Classic example is naming it as a URL ... that is with the http://  ect. It doesn`t lead to whatever http:// address you put in, this will only confuse the SE bots, they read it as a link yet the actual link is totally different. The tags are VERY important for Organic Search Engine Traffic, think of what someone would type in a Search Engine when looking for something ... if you name it something obscure like your name for instance, how many people do you think will search for that?? It`s the same when naming your iChannel, consider it a keyword that people will use to search for information, make it descriptive and on topic of your iChannel and you will eventually receive alot of Search Engine Traffic .... name it something obscure and you wont, ... simple. Some people have used the actual http:// address of their iChannel, again, this isn`t what you should do. How many people will actively Search for that? It isn`t a keyword ... it`s a URL ... big difference. You will notice I bold certain words in this post, purely for Search Engine Optimization, Learning SEO takes time but the payoff doing and employing these methods are tremendous ... it`s Free Traffic. It takes time to Learn Search Engine Optimization Methods and i`ll be the first to admit I don`t know it all, on the contrary, I actually know very little SEO really What I do know is that it works ... and it works like you wouldn`t believe. Proof SEO Techniques Work: Your reading this aren`t you ... (for those that arrive from either Search Engines themselves or using the Search Function that Apsense has provided ... also it is the post itself and the technique I used to create the post specifically to attract attention ... it works doesn`t it ...  : ) Seven Day Search Engine Optimization Test: (Six (6) days actually as Apsense was offline for a day) I have Researched SEO the past few months, I knew what had to be done, I just needed to find out the SEO Methods to do it and the correct SEO Tools that would help me to do it .... found what I was looking for and prepared to test. I specifically waited till December 1st to begin, never thought for a moment Apsense would go offline for a day but that is irrelevant to the data collected so far .... just means I would have actually earned more from the SEO Tactics I used than i`m about to quote ... I Have Increased My Daily Earnings By Over 600% (This Doesn`t Include Affiliate Sales But They Are Up Also) ... all due to Search Engine Optimized Posts. Need I Say More? So, take your time when deciding what to name your iChannel and watch your Search Engine Traffic explode over time. Christopher J.
Comments (17)
Mike Hunt

Search Engine Optimization Tips.

G`day haticeb,

QUOTE: haticeb 9.26am 7th December 2007
OK>>>> I am totally lost for real. What does this all mean about SEO? as far as naming groups, blogs etc that are already published? Are you suggesting we all go back and edit group names etc.? Please explain.


I just spent ½ an hour

Dec 8, 2007 Like it

OK>>>> I am totally lost for real. What does this all mean about SEO? as far as naming groups, blogs etc that are already published? Are you suggesting we all go back and edit group names etc.? Please explain.



Dec 7, 2007 Like it
Mike Hunt


thankyou Surinder for the compliments and letting me know i`ve explained it well. I hate having all the info right there and not being able to understand a thing about it so I really concentrated on creating an easy to understand guide.

I am just about to post an update to so come back to see even more info ; )

Thankyou for the Testimonial to, appreciate it.

G`day Eric, well I can`t answer about the frames, i`ll make your post a sticky and the best answer or the best explana

Dec 7, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

I have a question in relation to this topic and rather than starting a new thread, i'll ask it here...

Typically frames based pages do not call well within search engines and published News in iChannels use 2 linking methods the "Publish" Folder which has a top frame and the "Content" folder which has no frame at all.

How does this work for Non-Members - Do visitors go straight to the "Content" page or the "Publish" page and how does this effect SEO ?

Dec 7, 2007 Like it
Surender Singh

Online Enterpreneur

Thanks Christopher,

You have explained it very clearly and it is really going to help me out in deciding how should I make proper use of this fantastic tool.


Dec 7, 2007 Like it
Mike Hunt


thanks Cindy, need any help with it let me know ; )

G`day Eric, the "Font Police" got me at the "other site" last night
after chatting with you ... LOL ... guess I was attracting to much
attention aye ; ) How did the tips help with your iChannel mate?
I still haven`t set mine up yet ... lol ... to busy doin` .... other shtuff ; )

Christopher J.

Dec 7, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Hey Christopher,

Yeah that "Other Site" was getting a bit sad for a while... They made me a moderator and things have started to shape up (Not that i had anything to do with it ;o)

They made some great changes which made a real difference. Only time will tell how it goes...

Dec 6, 2007 Like it
Cindy Bolley


Thanks for the info,
I will be looking at this soon and your info has lead the way
for me to get it going on the right path


Dec 6, 2007 Like it
Mike Hunt


Very good point you made about branding Eric, as part of
your Search Engine Optimization tactics, you want your
brand out there as much as possible for sure.

I did invite you here aye ... lol ... man that was awhile ago
now. That "other" site is errrm ... a bit sad now don`t you

G`day Kristian, thankyou for the compliment, means alot
coming from you ... I created this post because i`m hoping
people will really take this advice onboard and improve
Apsense as

Dec 5, 2007 Like it
Kristian H.

GOT Team Cofounder

Very nice thank you!

Dec 5, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Hi Christopher,

That is great advice.

Its also a good way of branding yourself and your username and/or product name.

APsense keeps getting better and better...

P.S. Thanks for inviting me to join APsense Christopher... Its the #1 Social Network i belong to and second to "ONE Group" as the program i spend most of my time at.

Dec 5, 2007 Like it
Mike Hunt


thankyou to everyone replied so far, looking at the Google ads on this
page shows clearly what a bit of Search Engine Optimization does
....... it took me awhile to construct it but also, look at the response it
has received already ... it`s the same with using SEO Concepts with
the naming of your group, your posts and now your iChannels ... take
the time to do it and your rewarded on auto-pilot from the Search Engines.

To prove this ... if it really needs proof .. lol ... it`

Dec 5, 2007 Like it
Beth Schmillen

Thanks Christopher...

That's exactly why I didn't set mine up this a.m. I didn't know what to
name or lable it...

I'm glad you clarified this for us!

have a great week

Dec 5, 2007 Like it
Emily Tanksley

Thanks for the advice. I have not had time to fully check it out either but I do appreciate the tips....

Dec 5, 2007 Like it
Monika & Wayne T.

Time Travellers

G'Day to you Christopher,
great advice and we are taking it onboard.

Dec 4, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Christopher,

I unfortunatly am beeing kept busy with a few problems right now so have not had the chance to even look at the I channels.

However this is very good advice that everyone should take note of.

Dec 4, 2007 Like it
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