Changes to Apsense Users Page

Posted by Eric Smith
Sep 3, 2007
The changes to the Apsense Users page look great. The aesthetics were originally a bit off by showing ALL the descriotions about the groups. Now that the descriptions have been shortened and the Join group button included it looks much better. Just another positive improvement amongst many...
Comments (21)
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

Making contact is a good idea. I do this, unfortunately many go unanswered. I contact them as I can tell by visiting their profile that members are voting on their empty pages. Maybe if more people did this, there email box would have many more messages and they would take the time to respond. Thank you for reminding others of this option. Lynn

Sep 5, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Sheri, thats the most logical response i've heard on this to date.

Thank you.

Sep 5, 2007 Like it
Sheri Stuart

Rather than complain about users that have added their BCE with no comment, why not add them to your contact list and offer to help them set up their page. Apsense is all about networking and building relationships, and it seems to me that a user with and empty BCE in the exchange is in need of guidance. Contacts made in this way can be very effective, because t helps establish you as someone to get advice from. This opens the door to suggest other things. What could be better. Everyone ben

Sep 5, 2007 Like it

hello,everyone,i am a new member
I am from China. I have just graduated, now i am working in an IT company.
And i have interests in business
In order to make more friends from the world, i built a MSN chatting group:
I hope we can be friends here, and also i hope i can help me in China,if you come to China.
Have a wonderful day, everyone!

Sep 4, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

Right, that is why I was trying to explain that this problem will solve itself. Once there are more members viewing the exchange. Until that happens, I just refresh the page and move on. Lynn

Sep 3, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Actually Lynn, I was forgetting about the 100 Points. So in effect there is a reset already factored in... when the points are gone... ABC's won't be seen.

Sep 3, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

I do have patience, and only asking you to say a word to a webmaster and he will solve this problem. I didn't whant to ofent anybody just want to see some action, not now, not tomorrow, but next days or weeks, whenever you have time.
Thanks a lot for talking to the right people about this issue.

Sep 3, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

Hi Teodor,
I have read through all the comments here. This thread started off by Eric complimenting our apsense staff on yet another great improvement. This time for our profile pages. Then you took it to the business center exchange. Bj then explained to you that it is a choice for members to activate. And that apsense only gives each member 100 free views, then members must participate in the exchange program in order to have their bc's seen. Right now hardly anyone is viewing business ce

Sep 3, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

Many users don't know how to create a signature link but it is so easy for them to choose to activate the ABC page. If the activation would be more complicated they wouldn't do this mess at Apsense, wich is now full of garbage pages. Sorry to say that but it is, and somebody should hear our voice and to do something about it. It's so easy for a webmaster to be creative.
Who knows how to contact the webmaster here?

Sep 3, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Hi BJ,

I was referring to the "" page.

The biggest problem with the BCE is with the people who join APsense, activate their ABC in the Exchange, have a play with it then forget APsense even existed (One would wonder why they would do that but thats beside the point). The needs to be a reset periodically to DEACTIVATE these types of Users sites.

The easiest way would be to set a rule in the script to say that if a member hasn't used the BCE in "xx" days the A

Sep 3, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

Hi Eric,
I agree with you on this. Our profile pages look so much more professional with this new look. Lynn

Sep 3, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Teodor,

Well It is each members choice to use the Business exchange or not.
It depends on if the member wants to earn credits to have their own site displayed there or not.

You are correct that there are a lot of waste of time sites in there with absolutly nothing done to them. This is probably why so few people are actually using it.

Sep 3, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

Ok, i see, the only problem I have is that I have to waste my VERY EXPENSIVE TIME with those sites... However, nothing is perfect in this world, but I still insist that a good programmer can do something about it.?!
And is not fair, I visit your site I love the design and content because it is really valuable, and I cannot rate it !
However, this fact will force me do not spend much time at Biz Exchange. I'd love to but I really have no time.
Ok, forget it! Let's go to back to other importan

Sep 3, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Theodor,

If they opt to activate their page with no content what so ever there is nothing can be done about it except to give it a vote of 1 because its worth nothing with no content.

Sep 3, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

I understand the idea of it BJ, but why to waste your time with empty pages? I uploaded my ABC only after putting some content there, but many have ZERO content and activate it! Can this be stopped by a good programmer or webmaster?

Sep 3, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

hi Eric,

What page are you refering to when you say "the users page"?

Sep 3, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Teodor,

The idea of the Business exchange is to give members exposure to other members, and by viewing and rating other members sites you will earn credits that allow your site to be shown to other members in exhange.

So its either rate other sites or eventually run out of credits and your site will not be shown in the rotation.

Sep 3, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Yeah, it would seem that is a flaw with the system. I think what it needs is a Weekly or monthly turn off (reset) and members have to login at least once in that period and reactivate their ABC site so it is shown in the Exchange.

This way those who sign up, activate their site and are never seen or heard of again will not have their incomplete ABC sites in constant rotation.

Another alternative would be to turn ABC's off automatically if a member hasn't logged in once in a certain period

Sep 3, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

I know that, but who has time to go through all incomplete and enpty pages??

Sep 3, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Hi Teodor,

The Biz Exchange shows all users sites in random order.

We don't get to choose the site we see, but we can choose the category of the sites that are shown.

If you vote on sites regularly you will begin to see recognised ABC sites. The more you vote - The more you will see familiar sites.

Hope that helps.

Sep 3, 2007 Like it
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