Wincer just shared some good news!
Wincer just passed along some great news for all us APSensers! APSense has been growing and today we got the proof! Look out Linked In, you're next!!!
The latest from Alexa: has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of
5,221. While the site is ranked #3,949 in the US, where we estimate that 27% of
its visitors are located, it is also popular in South Africa, where it is
ranked #913. Relative to the overall population of internet users, this site's
users tend to be over the age of 35, and they are disproportionately African
Americans browsing from home who are not college graduates. Visitors to view an average of 13.8 unique pages per day. Visitors to it spend
about twelve minutes per visit to the site and 38 seconds per pageview.
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Alexa Traffic Rank: 5,252
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Alexa Traffic Rank: 5,230
Traffic Rank in US: 4,420
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Comments (47)
Cheryl Baumgartner
Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Wincer is a great guy and he does care about this site and the members. He's always working to make it better.
Paula van Dun
This is awesome. And well deserved. Hats off for Wincer!
Dawie Bezuidenhout
Systems Engineer I.T.
This is very good news to see that all Wincer's hard work is showing the results.
@Philippe, i am biased too. APSense is the place to be online.
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
We just sent a couple of PMs to each other. He even finds the time to be funny. What a nice guy. :)
Joseph Botelho
Working on one project at a time.
Yea, poor guy is just having breakfast right now....he has created a gold mind here, some of us have watch this site grow one day at a time.....the good thing of it all, where else do you get to be involved with the founder on a one to one.....he really cares about our success>>>>:}
Cheryl Baumgartner
Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
With all the hard work he puts into APSense I think He has earned it!
Philippe Moisan
Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
I just saw that Wincer likes this discussion. He's biased LOL