Messages = spam

Posted by Susan coils
Sep 24, 2007
Can someone please explain to me the definition of spam here at Apsense. I am so sick of getting messages from my 'contacts' that are not messages at all. They are just adverts. Pure and simple! No, how are you today, no courtesies or niceties. Just plain 'join this', 'this is great', earn big money here'. I used to just delete them but have now started replying to people telling them not to spam me and that i consider their blatant ads as just that - spam. I even get asked to join opps. of which I am already a member and advertsing on my own business centre! These people don't even take the time to target their advertising. Are they just using Apsense as thier 'opt in list'? From now on I think I may just remove these type of people from my contact list. Is this ok to do? Or should I report them for spamming? Can I report them for spamming? Is it considered ok to send these types of messages to people on your contact list? I am just not sure and would appreciate some advice. I don't want to start getting people in to trouble, but I am blowed if I am going to waste my time checking messages here that turn out to be spam. I get enough of that from my safelists. Didn't realise apsense was another safelist. Sorry for rambling.
Comments (34)

Hello all,
I'm receiving a lot of messages each day here in APsense.
Some private, some offers me a new opportunity.
I'm a member of APsense to develope my business, that includes for me, to be informed for example about good advertising methods.
If I can get them delivered "free house", why not.
I'm an adult and I understand to use the "delete" button.
I can decide, what I want to look over, what not.
Everybody here has a minimum of one online business, if we wouldn't talk about, how we'

Sep 25, 2007 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

I wouldn't necessarily say that ads are for groups. Many groups have a purpose that does not include ads. Many groups are ad friendly and encourage ads for whatever. I think that ads as posts should be limited to the groups that focus on that. I personally join or create groups to share information and ideas not to provide ad space. I'm sure I'm not alone in finding ads as a discussion topic offensive.

Sep 25, 2007 Like it
Terry Simpson

BJ is right. This has been a big problem in the past. What I do is check out a person before adding them to my contact list. If it looks like all that person does is spam then I simply don't add them. Look at their blog, group postings, etc.

If you do have people on your contact list that always spam, then simply remove them. Good luck.

Sep 24, 2007 Like it
David Schupbach

Yes, that IS annoying, but there are a lot of 'newbies' out there. I empathize completely but the best advice is just block them. The GOOD NEWS is: they will either learn, or go out of business. Have a great day!! David

Sep 24, 2007 Like it

i agree and i was just saying i dont mind ads myself it isup to each person how they handle there own accounts :)

Sep 24, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi San,

This subject has been covered previously in several threads.
infact it has been done to death.

Because those that campained so vocally to have a method of stopping spam, turned round within less than 24 hours of it being implimented and campainged again to have it removed there is now no spam control.

This leaves it up to each individual what they do.

Your options are

Delete it.

Contact the sender and tell them not to send you spam.

If the sender is persistent

Sep 24, 2007 Like it
Sheri Toms

I have to agree. I joined this community because I thought I would be able to get to know people and grow my business through the help of others. Most of the messages I have had since I became a member are ads trying to get me to join their downline or something.
I thought I would be able to build relationships with people on here. Other business people that are trying to do the same as me,which is promote my store and get my business going. i really had no idea I would be getting a bunch of ads

Sep 24, 2007 Like it
William Buckley

Website owner

I agree with you, it is one thing to get a message but the straight copy and paste ads are annoying.

The first thing each of us should remember is that we are all for the most part already in a business.

Therefore you have to build a relationship with some one and then exchange business ideas/plans/ads or whatever it is you are so keen on dumping in my mail.

I don't read them...unless I like the sales copy then they go in my swipe file of course.

spam me and I will do it right back. Ther

Sep 24, 2007 Like it
Susan coils

Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business

I have no problem at all with people sending me links if they think I may be interested in someting. I am annoyed because people are just sending me sales copy/blatant ads. If i saw something that made me think of one of my contacts I would send it to them and say, 'hey look at this, it might be of interest to you'. Similarly, I have asked certain of my contacts to check something out for me, cos I am way too easily swayed! I just think advertising for the sake of it, should be left to the group

Sep 24, 2007 Like it
Pete Balasch Jr.

Internet Marketer Pod caster

Just block them or delete them

Sep 24, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional


Theres nothing wrong with including a link in a message, but the polite thing is to introduce yourself first - rather than jumping directly into the sales copy.

I won't buy anything from anyone who blasts a sales pitch to me without getting to know who i am.

Sep 24, 2007 Like it
Monika & Wayne T.

Time Travellers

Hey San,
we think you have it right.Adds are for groups not contacts unless asked
for.That's why there are no links allowed in mail.
Should be interesting what the powers to be have to say.
Warmest Regards,

Sep 24, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

If you get messages like that just block the sender.

Theres plenty more fish in the sea... so don't worry about the sharks.

Sep 24, 2007 Like it

to me we are trying to help each other. people are here to make there business grow. i don't know where you are business wise but i need all the help i can get but i will remember and take note never to send a link to you . have a great day

Sep 24, 2007 Like it
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