Messages = spam

Posted by Susan coils
Sep 24, 2007
Can someone please explain to me the definition of spam here at Apsense. I am so sick of getting messages from my 'contacts' that are not messages at all. They are just adverts. Pure and simple! No, how are you today, no courtesies or niceties. Just plain 'join this', 'this is great', earn big money here'. I used to just delete them but have now started replying to people telling them not to spam me and that i consider their blatant ads as just that - spam. I even get asked to join opps. of which I am already a member and advertsing on my own business centre! These people don't even take the time to target their advertising. Are they just using Apsense as thier 'opt in list'? From now on I think I may just remove these type of people from my contact list. Is this ok to do? Or should I report them for spamming? Can I report them for spamming? Is it considered ok to send these types of messages to people on your contact list? I am just not sure and would appreciate some advice. I don't want to start getting people in to trouble, but I am blowed if I am going to waste my time checking messages here that turn out to be spam. I get enough of that from my safelists. Didn't realise apsense was another safelist. Sorry for rambling.
Comments (34)
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Hi Mauro,

Unfortunately though, when you reply to spam, in 90% of cases you are replying to another autoresponder which will subscribe you to the next spam series...

spammers will rarely actually READ your reply.... they set there business up on auto-auto pilot... until they get shut down, then they start up somewhere else...

Sep 26, 2007 Like it
Mauro & Sylvia Savo


Very good point about replying to spam email....BUT, if you know how to do it properly those spammers look at you and your opportunity and think to themselves WOW...I want in. You see once you teach yourself how to deal with different types of people and different ways of doing business you can benefit from any contact.

My tactics don't work for everyone when dealing with spam, but it works for me.


Sep 26, 2007 Like it

spam is that which is not legal
spams try to cheat every one
to increase their revenue

Sep 26, 2007 Like it
Lisa Lomas

HI San,

My definition is short n sweet.

If you did not ask for it, its spam!
If they are not on your list it is spam.

The dictionary definition of spam is this "n. Unsolicited e-mail, often of a commercial nature, sent indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups; junk e-mail. " This is very clear and can be found at googles

Have a spam free day and smile

Sep 26, 2007 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


All I know, and all I care to reveal is that my business is building on REAL! That is all I believe find it...BELIEVE it ........and do it! Then all the spammers sort them selves out!
My suggestion :0)

Sep 26, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Hi Ruth,

We don't have to add people to contacts just to send them a "Buy me" message.

And the messages certainly don't have to start with...

Hi Eric,

My company sells "xyz" here's my link...

Sep 25, 2007 Like it
Ruth Baldwin

I just wanted to respond to a few of the comments;

Phil Meyer says; The Apsense tagline says "Business Social Network... Get Paid While Promoting Your Business."......

Linda White states; teach them how to go about it.........

Dave tell us; ...we are all adults and can press the delete or block button...

Collete reminds us; Most that only send a blatant ad, are new to networking...try to educate them as to the proper way to advertise here and on other networking sites....

Sep 25, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional


Did you know that replying to SPAM emails generally just tells the spammer they have a "live" email address which they add to their permanent SPAM list until it starts to bounce.

Replying to SPAM (email) messagesis never a good idea.

Sep 25, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

The way i look at it, we can "P^%s 1000 people off by sending SPAM and make 1 sale. Or we can build a relationship with 100 people and make 10 sales. Its not hard to see which is more profitable and professional.

Sep 25, 2007 Like it
Mauro & Sylvia Savo

Hi Friends,

This is a great discussion and one that will never be resolved. I think spam will always be a practice people try to exploit, it works thats why so many do it.
There is an art to sort of speak, to sending spam messages that have an agenda. Everyone, well most everyone here is trying to build some sort of business, downline, relationships, whatever you want to call it....The end goal is the same for all us. Sometimes I would rather get right to point and other times depending on th

Sep 25, 2007 Like it
Lateef Oladeji

Internet Marketer

It is even more nauseating for a member to welcome you to Apsense with an ad or ads. I think friendship and trust should be allowed to develop first before promotion or ads. This problem is not peculiar to Apsense; it is at all the social networks around. I think it is a kind of rat race to capture a target first before another poacher does so. The different approach cited by Mteodor is excellent in its "subtlety" (I hope there is a noun form from subtle like that). It is non-offensive as it bea

Sep 25, 2007 Like it
Collette Johnson

Collette's Naturals

Most that only send a blatant ad, are new to networking and therefore I try to educate them as to the proper way to advertise here and on other networking sites. Not only do I get a thank you from them I also have just started building a relationship with them plus saved other apsense members from getting spammed.
As far as Kuwait's comment on how else to let everyone know about your business , networking sites are for building relationships, once you have buildt a relationship with people, the

Sep 25, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

In responce to a couple of posts.

Hi Phil

Yes it does say Promote but there is a big difference between Promoting and Spamming

This brings me to the next comment

Hi Linda,

on the point of teaching people how to go about it.
We can only teach them if they are willing to learn.

There are many of us that do try to teach them, however when you contact someone about it and their reply is

"if you dont like it take me off your list"

I think that tells us straight out t

Sep 25, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

A different approach from a person on my contact list - this could serve as an example:
Message Subject:: "i please check this and reply me"
Message Body:
"Hi all,
I recently joined a program called _________. I think it is affordable to anyone, but I want to know your opinion as an experienced marketer. Thank you very much.
Please check the site by looking at this link,
__________________________________ "

My comment: I'd never refuse such request!

Sep 25, 2007 Like it
Linda Correa

Making Money On The Internet

The thing about apsense is that in all their promo material they do say "promote your business and earn money" so when people join, I suspect that is their intent. If you get people who don't know how to do that, correctly, then we could all be good community members and help teach them how to go about it.........

Sep 25, 2007 Like it
Phil Meyer

May I suggest we all just again look at the very top of the page. The Apsense tagline says "Business Social Network... Get Paid While Promoting Your Business."

While I nevertheless DO respect groups that are not for business (in a business-related environment, go figure), I will most certainly promote business opportunities in those that invite it. There are many of those on Apsense.

Phil Meyer

Sep 25, 2007 Like it
Dave Thomas

The main issue here is that people join this type of site for one of two reasons.

1)They either want to network with other individuals and share best practices to help them build their business

2) They see it as a marketing tool to help them promote their business

and there is nothing wrong with either of these reasons we are all adults and can press the delete or block button

The main issue's are the the way they go about their advertising ie the usual copy and paste garbage and the

Sep 25, 2007 Like it
Zac Josevski

Internet Marketer

The spam issue will never die because everyone has
a different take on it.

My personal view is that any of my contacts can
send me whatever they like be it ads,advice,
introductions,new products etc which is all
basically communication.I have over 1100 contacts.

If it gets annoying,offensive or whatever you simply
let the person know of your thoughts but never
get are communicating.

If it gets beyond a joke you do have options as
BJ has pointed out.

Thousands of people go on

Sep 25, 2007 Like it
Beth Schmillen

Hi San,

Here's a message that I got that is definitely not spam!

I'm not into advertising but I love to share jokes. I got this from my niece today and it's innocence is hilarious. Hope
you enjoy it.

This is a funny story. Hope you think so too.
Through the pet syndrome, including toilet flush burials for dead
goldfish, the story below will have you laughing out LOUD!

Overview: I had to take my son's lizard to the vet.

Here's what happened:

Just after dinner one night, my son came up to te

Sep 25, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

What I do when receiving ads... First I write a short message (have a 'template' on my computer) explaining them why they shouldn't send ads. Usually I do not receive anymore ads from that person. If they are new at Apsense, then some are asking what is right to do, and from here a good converation starts.

Sep 25, 2007 Like it
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