
Posted by Zac Josevski
Oct 12, 2007
Hi Everyone, I know Apsense sends a weekly newsletter but ... I was wondering if admin could place a button or text link on the top of the members area for " Admin Updates " or " Admin News " etc. This would be a good communication tool. I know in the past with other sites the admin would do maintenance or other stuff on their website and give no warning. Some people could have paid advertising and if the site goes down then those advertisers would lose money. I'm not saying Apsense would do this but the "Admin Update " button would be a good way for admin to communicate warnings and other updates. What do you think.
Comments (22)

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Oct 22, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

We are coming up with away to link to updates(discussions) that administrators have made in the apsense group. The ask apsense is for all questions in general. Sure some members may ask a question about apsense in there, but that is what this group is for. As members will get the correct information regarding updates. Lynn

Oct 14, 2007 Like it
Rusty Rose

Hi Eric- But, doesn't ASK cover almost anything you want to know? And that is certainly easily available, even for newbies.

Oct 14, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

I guess theres two sides to that argument.

If we don't get any information, we feel we are left to try and work "this thing" (any program) out on our own. If we get all the information it feels like information overload.

Thats where a link to the "information source" would benefit everyone and we can choose how much we do or don't want to read.

Oct 13, 2007 Like it
Rusty Rose

I don't understand the purpose of this session. As long as you have APSense Express on your task bar, you get notified on every subject in the APSense Group. Maybe not everyone has APSense downloaded, but I'm sure those few who don't, certainly doesn't warrant a change.

As for not getting the Newsletter when you first sign on, you're so busy learning about everything, you don't need it right away. By the time you do get it, it probably makes more sense then if you got it right away.

I h

Oct 13, 2007 Like it
Lisa Lomas

I think its a valid point, there is a way then for people joining to see
what is going on, as the newsletter does not arrive when you first join.

A good topic.

Oct 13, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

I have an update about the "upcoming news" option. We might be doing away with this feature and replacing it with something better. So we just need to be a little patient :) Lynn

Oct 12, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Zac,

I would not say a waste of time.

You suggested a link to an Admin Updates or Admin News.

I pointed out thats what this group is for.

Eric suggested a link to the Apsense group rather than a separate section.

So From your Idea comes an alternative that I personally think most would agree with.

Oct 12, 2007 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

A permanent link to the APSense Group would be nice. Perhaps a n alert type thing saying that new posts have been added. This way the APSense group could have it's own area and some of the subjects in other groups could make the "front page" so to speak. The Apsense group does tend to overwhelm all others especially the smaller groups.

Oct 12, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

In all groups there is and upcoming news tab. But, I just went and tested it and the post showed in my regular discussions, So I will mention this to support. Lynn

Oct 12, 2007 Like it
Marko S.

Web Presence Provider

Hi Zac,
i agree with this suggestion, Admin Update button will be useful...maybe for Groups members "Group Admin News"???

Oct 12, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

When talking yesterday, we were tossing aound some ideas. A link to updates made by administrators of the apsense group was mentioned. But, details were not settled. We try to pin the important updates so they are kept close to the top. Also administrator posts are in an orange color. This is just to let you know that it has been thought about, it just hasn't been implemented yet. Lynn

Oct 12, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

I for one don't think it was a waste if time, for me, it made me think that it would be good to see a direct link to the APsense group in the header...

Oct 12, 2007 Like it
Zac Josevski

Internet Marketer

Since I joined a long time ago I have forgotten that you are
automatically registered to the Apsense group.

I " assumed " that you joined manually.

It would make no sense to change things.

Sorry for wasting your time guys.

Oct 12, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Zac,

When anyone joins APSence they are automatically a member of the APSense group.

As for the APSense Express you are right not every one will download it, however if they wxant to be kept informed they should.

The only exception are those with a Mac as unfortunatly the AP E is not at this time compatable.

This is on the agenda for the future but not right now.

Oct 12, 2007 Like it
Zac Josevski

Internet Marketer

You are right Bill but not everyone joins the group ( they should ).

I might be wrong but I also think not everyone downloads the
Apsense Express to get instant messages from the group
as well.

Just a thought :-)

Oct 12, 2007 Like it
Dave Thomas

Like others here I feel the apsense group is fine for this and I am happy to receive the newsletter which collates any changes done abd informs you of upcoming changes

Oct 12, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Zac,

The APSense Group is for updates. and APSense Related information and questions.

This is why we ask that same topic posts are avoided and why non APSense related posts are removed.

Oct 12, 2007 Like it
Rusty Rose

And I prefer the newsletter in my email. APSense is getting a little crowded for space, I think.

Oct 12, 2007 Like it
Rusty Rose

I like the APSense Group now the way it is. It's free wheeling but well monitored. I'd be afraid a button like Admin Updates and/or Admin News would be limiting and, especially newbies would see it that way.

Oct 12, 2007 Like it
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