Official - Suggestions to APSense

Posted by Kristian H.
Oct 20, 2007
The last few weeks, we have had many users posting and submitting suggestions to us all over the site and our emails. This is why we decided to create this subject, where everyone can post their suggestions to APSense all in one place. PLEASE NOTE: We always appreciate and encourage your suggestions, however we will not debate about them in public. We will include all suggestions to our list and will consider them if it is possible and beneficial to APSense as a whole. Thank you for you support and making Your APSense the #1 Business Social Network!
Comments (115)
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

I dont sell products that is true but i do sell services.
However we have our groups, blogs, bulletins and Ichannels through which to do our selling.

As part of the admin team I would be neglegent in my responsibillities to block anyone.

Apr 4, 2008 Like it
Coach Steve Toth

People and companies that are clinging to control are actually totally out of control.

You will have control when you relinquish control and delegate, let people do what they do best.

circumstances + responses = outcome

Coach Steve

Apr 4, 2008 Like it
Marko S.

Web Presence Provider

I have not agreed to receive ads from anyone.
In fact I state categorically in my intro not to send ads.
My mail box is for those that want assistance and advice.
Therefore even if it was once a month then the contact would be spamming me.

well, I'm not like you, I came here because I saw that this is Business Social Network and as a content producer and content sharer I came here to share something I know and I also expect from others the same.
I don't need just advices, so

Apr 4, 2008 Like it
Marko S.

Web Presence Provider

well, at first, you could limit sending emails let's say, to ten persons for free members and let's say 50 persons for paid members
second, when you add someone to your contacts he must agree, so, for me is this like a kind of opt-in or something like that.
third - I think that everyone can block other user - so, if we suppose that we are here all serious people, means that when I'll get few spam mails from someone I'll just blocked him, so on personal level here's enough security to prospect p

Apr 4, 2008 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Just because someone agrees to be on someones contact list it does not mean they have agreed to receive ads.

I have not agreed to receive ads from anyone.
In fact I state categorically in my intro not to send ads.
My mail box is for those that want assistance and advice.
Therefore even if it was once a month then the contact would be spamming me.

Apr 4, 2008 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

The sending of mass emails to contacts has been discussed and rejected on the grounds it would be abused and used to to spam contacts.

The message system is not for sending mass ads.

Apr 4, 2008 Like it
Marko S.

Web Presence Provider

I have some ideas, too:
1) why don't you just simply copy the best ideas from each revenue sharing social networks and incorporate it here?
2) surfing to ABC: read that also other users have a lot of unuse points. Why don't you create something like ABC traffic exchange there? user got some views from others and also community got some views/clicks/rewavrds/whatever.
3) why you advertise apsense inside of apsense? I mean, I doesn't make sense to advertise apsense in apsense users content - a

Apr 4, 2008 Like it
Jenny Stewart

I agree with Cheryl, Jenn and Eric.

I would like to be able to rate the ABCs when viewing them not when surfing

It is impossible to find them all when surfing - some of them NEVER seem to appear. i confess to having stopped surfing for the same reasons as everyone else - no need for the extra credits and I can never see the ones I like and wish to rate. I cant figure out the rotation of the centres either. Some seem to be omni present and other are notable for their absense - and their ow

Dec 24, 2007 Like it
Susan coils

Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business

Wow Wincer, you must have wings today! 2hrs and a wish is granted. HO HO HO.

If only everything in life was as easy as Apsense!


Dec 24, 2007 Like it
Wincer Song

APSense Founder

Hi San, Eric.

We will make some iChannel Widgets for you to put on your websites.

We thought iChannel Marketing could be effective way to communicate with your subscribers.


Dec 24, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Good idea San...

Dec 24, 2007 Like it
Susan coils

Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business

I would like to ask if a little icon link to our ichannels can be put beside our pics. Just as we now have a link to our ABC's there. If anyone is interested in our business, they can click the link and go straigt to the business centre. Why not the same to our ichannels.
I ask this only as having just created one and not sure how to get the word out about it I set up a discussion to ask. And it seems we are responsible for advertising them to other users. Now, I'm not saying we don't have a re

Dec 24, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Does any pages within APSense use nofollow tags and if not, would it be possible to include them in certain sections like the "Classified Blog category"... This might help eliminate problems associated with Search Engines due to advertising spam inthese types of categories...

It might not help either but worth a thought...

Dec 13, 2007 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


I have spent a lot of time on my ABC

Even lost sleep over it

I got it all messed up one night....I was not about to go to bed until it was fixed...just in case it got 'rated'.
Shoot....I could've slept for a month..still hasn't been rated again

Dec 12, 2007 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


;0) Eric...I am getting more ready to take my trip down under!

Dec 12, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional


Tell me about it... i have over 700 credits and only 38 votes. i stopped voting at the end on october... couldn't see the point.

Dec 12, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

I like Cheryl's idea too, its actually quiet easy to put together informally... We just need to EACH start a "ABC rating" blog and have others review our ABC's and leave a comment on how we can improve them and also give a rating out of 10...

Dec 12, 2007 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


ppl_cheryl63 - Dec 9 2007 22:07
I'd still like to have the option of going to a business center and rating it. I see really good ones that I would like to rate but instead I have to go to the Top it/Drop feature and have the same ones come up over and over. Instead of being able to rate a good center I have to wade through all of the business centers with nothing on them and I never see the center I'd lik

Dec 12, 2007 Like it
Rusty Rose

I like San's suggestion. I find that most of the memberships in APSense are pretty honorable people and I think the idea of a "fair usage" policy on the "honor" system might work, but I would limit it to one ad a week. Most people only have one "favorite" program anyway, at least at one time, and to promote it once a week would give them another legal advertising avenue that they didn't have before.

Dec 11, 2007 Like it
Susan coils

Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business

more of a wish list than a suggestion because I don't really think it can be 'scripted'. (ha, bet you think I know what I'm talking about now, well, I don't, and you all should know better)

Given all the recent controversy over duplicate postings/too many ads, etc. - why can't we have a 'fair usage' policy, eg. maximum of 3 ads per person per week? I know we are a 'business and social network' but we have business centres to promote our business. Groups and discussions are best places

Dec 11, 2007 Like it
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