Why are There Too Many Censors At APSENSE?

Posted by Mike
Dec 9, 2007
I think there are too many censors at Apsense.  At least the ones that have many more limits to what can be censored.  These censors feel as if every single Submission that isn’t targeted toward how much money they can make isn't for them. These individual Censors also seem too recruit other Apsenser's to join in on this negative bandwagon of there's. No wonder they can't make any money. Negativity breeds negativity   I  Joined Apsense to Introduce my services and products to business minded individual or groups who want to network national and globally, not just to these few negative individuals. I've earned 6 figure's on and off the internet for more than a decade now and I enjoy everyday that I'm on the Internet. I've been a member of almost every opportunity on and off the net. I made alot money in some and none in others.  One Thing for sure I haven't let the negative people in this world prevent me from earning on the Internet The main Focus of a BUSINESS SOCIAL NETWORK is to Introduce your products and services to that particular Internet community. If you Don't Agree with A Product or service just simply move on. Everyday New products spring up. Some products are good and alot are bad. You must use your own judgement on these products and not give your opinions on things that you don't participate in yourself "GET INVOLVED OR SIMPLY GET OUT OF THE WAY" ITS THAT SIMPLEHave you given to your favorite Charity Lately
Comments (32)
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Not me!

Dec 11, 2007 Like it
Monika & Wayne T.

Time Travellers

Just to add to Christopher's post we are wondering who is topping this?

Dec 11, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

I don't think i can add anything to what has been said other than adding an "I agree" to the replies made.

Dec 11, 2007 Like it
Mike Hunt


perhaps you should change the Title of your post to read

"Why Are There So Many Lazy People At Apsense That Contribute Very Little"

You make a post then you don`t reply?? Maybe your busy ... perhaps your away for the day ... perhaps it`s Lunch Time : )

I`m having a hard time being convinced you know what your talking about mate, first two lines of your post confuse the heck out of me, care to explain it a bit clearer, thanks.

I checked your blogs and groups ... well first b

Dec 10, 2007 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

Dm just to let you know I don't take the names personally, I understand the frustration and know that for the most part the phrase was directed to the spammers.

Dec 9, 2007 Like it
David Schupbach


I am trying to think of a way to say this politely, without being influenced by my disgust.

Not for you personally, I don't even know you, although judging by your picture, you would seem to be a likeable guy... big genuine smile, etc. Too bad we have to be on opposite sides of the argument.

My disgust is for your technique, which doesn't make me right and you wrong, but it is the same technique that led to the UCE 'Spam' laws we have today. This technique, which I am sure YOU

Dec 9, 2007 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

In the beginning spam was just links posted all over the place but now what we have are people (more than one) copying and pasting the same exact blog over and over again and putting them all over the place. Spam. That is what everyone here is referring to. I happen to have an account at the other site who these members are spamming about and it annoys ME.

So yes I am complaining about it too. Those few spammers have gotten everyone up in arms. While most are up in arms about the spam, s

Dec 9, 2007 Like it
Pete Balasch Jr.

Internet Marketer Pod caster

This is a Social Networking Group
So why don't You Socialize
that is what Apsense is you Know.
I really can not belive you really make
any money. Did you know folks do not buy
into your Opportunities. They buy because who
you are. Have no Idea who you really are.
You can change that and market like a Real marketer
there is Hope you Know.

Dec 9, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Mike,

You are missing the point of the recent complaints that I know you are referring to.

Spam posting the same garbage copy and past ads in dozens of groups is NOT the way to make friends and influence people. Especially when these spam posters post in groups that clearly state in the group description NO ads, as does the APSense Group and also my group which was spammed again yesterday by someone that is either totally ignorant or illiterate i don't know which.

If anyone wants to

Dec 9, 2007 Like it
Franto Hruz

Online Income Systems Development

Hello all!

Very well said Cheryl. There is nothing negative about asking some people to stop selling hype and spam ... the first thing for anyone here to do is to get known as who they are and how they want to be dealt with ... if you want to be know as a spam and a hype salesman, then better face the facts as Cheryl pointed out ... here you can start by EXPLAINING first WHY you think some of your products are better than others, show some sense of objectivity and make the SOCIAL aspect the mai

Dec 9, 2007 Like it
Not Here

just want my account deleted

Not only do they send ripples through the community, and ruin the reputation of their product...they also ruin the reputation of thr community! Anyone who doesn't understand this needs to read the part again about how apsense is to be the top community online for QUALITY CONTENT. Yes promote but in YOUR OWN WORDS and not some copy and paste ad!

Dec 9, 2007 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

I agree about introducing products and services but there is a right way and a wrong way. When some people come in and start to spam the general membership they not only set off ripples of unrest throughout this community but they also ruin the reputation of their product.

I don't like to be spammed and I don't spam others. Many of the "censors" are upset by the amount of spam that's popping up lately.

Dec 9, 2007 Like it
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