New at APsense - The simple things in life are often the best
They may be only small changes but the small things like "Worth Reading" added under the Top it link, and the "Recent readers" added to Blogs and Subjects, as well as the link for "Daily Earnings" in the profile all add up to some great cosmetic changes...
Well done APsense.
Comments (5)
Lateef Oladeji
Internet Marketer
Wow, Eric! You have made me learn today that a "cosmetic change" does not necessarily mean a "showy change of no significant importance" as I used to understand it before. Thanks for broadening my language horizon. English is only a second language to me. The changes are really significant and important. Thank you.
Dana Pinkott
I'm very happy too that i joined apsense !
Keep going!
Kristian H.
GOT Team Cofounder
We try to consistently improve and it's a never ending task. But we know when we are doing it right when our users take notice and appreciate them. So, thank you :)
Iris Jackson
True, I have been to a lot of social networking and i found apsense the best.
Karen Weir
Local Internet Advertising Consultant
I agree Eric! This place just keeps getting better and better!