Ask APSense
I just noticed another new feature this morning. Ask APSense. There's a variety of issues you can ask about and they seem to be categorized. Now for the big question who provides the answers. I know we usually have things like this answered in the newsletter but my e-mail is having issues this morning and I can't get it to open.
Comments (40)
Penny Young
Thank you, Lynn : )
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
Since this was first brought up we have implemented a feature that allows the asker to remove blogs that are not relevant to their question. We are hoping that this will help with this.
I also had the same question about removing blogs from questions without deleting the actual blog, and I have left word with Kristian. I will respond when I hear back from him.
Penny Young
Oops, just came back here to ask a question, and saw yours Lynn.
Okay, to answer your question first, I'm talking hyperthetically about a question about say ... frogs ... which has a blog about Clickbank marketing products as the answer. I think this might already have been addressed since this discussion.
My question is this: I have a blog which I believe is helpful with regard to getting free marketing tips, but it does contain a live link to a free service. So, when I wrote it I put i
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
What kind of spamming are you referring to? If they are advertisements being used for answers, that is unfortunate. But, if the blog is from the classifieds blog section, then it is in the proper place. But, if the ads originate from other sections of the blogs, then it is spamming. Right now the only feature available is the drop feature. It sends a message to the poster that their ads are not in the proper section. We are working on other ways to keep all the ads together. Thank yo
Penny Young
I have noticed a bit of spamming going on in Ask ApSense. I was wondering if maybe it would be good to have a report link next to each answering blog, the same as there is for comments. That way, members could be monitoring replies rather than ApSense admin having to keep an eye on every single question/answer module.
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
I forgot to mention that the digg issue has also been resolved. Lynn
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
There is no cap on questions that can be asked or answers to a question. Also at this time members may answer their own questions as long as they use quality content blogs and not just advertisements. Lynn
Eric Smith
Online Professional
Is there a cap on the number of answers that can be given for a specific question ?
Also, is there a cap on the number of questions an individual user can ask ?
There seems to be a lot of people writing hundreds of reverse marketing questions and answering them all with the same blog post.
I'm guessing this isn't what the program was set up to do ?
Eric Smith
Online Professional
Although i would be the first to jump on ads being the blame for Digg banning the APsense URL, it is more likely the huge volume of people linking to multiple pages within the APsense domain...
Bj aka Bill Brown
Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi all,
I have contacted support about the situation and am waiting to hear back from them
Just goes to show that the comments about all the ad posting damaging APSense has proved right.
Cheryl Baumgartner
Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Jenn I noticed the digg thing too. For some reason all of our stuff is being called spam. However if people were posting advertisements rather than blogs, that would explain it.
Eric Smith
Online Professional
I noticed, there is also a link in our Blogs linking back to the original question, when the blog has been used to answer a question... Great little feature.
Jennifer Underwood
What is up with the keeps saying the url for apsense is been reported as spam?
Lisa Lomas
Why is it our comments get added onto our blogs to answer a question on ask?
The frist answer I did was fine, then that answer came up when answering someone elses????
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
Your welcome. Lynn
Eric Smith
Online Professional
Thanks Lynn (and Wincer)
Sherri-Anne Myers
Ladystrange Lingerie
This might be a little interesting. If I were to write an article about gardening, it would then show up in my business center, where it has no relevancy? There are some subjects I like in there. But How do we keep it organized?
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
This is Wincers reply: Members can ask questions without charge, so there is no content revenue. But, when asker reads the replier blogs, the solution writer will get revenue. There will be no selling ad space for asking questions. Lynn
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
I have forwarded your question to Wincer. I will post when I hear back from him, unless he posts here. Lynn
Shrihari Sawant
Great Information and thanks for sharing it.