Quick Apsense Update (top & drop - spam reports -blogs)
There seems to be alot of questions about the new changes here at apsense. So here is a very brief explanation. When the new blog categories came out..We recognized there was no place for everyday blogs...so we came up with the life in general category. I have also read many comments about the blog categories being all advertising and no content, there is a classifieds section for ads. The rest is for learning and for sharing content in those different areas. Also they will be trying to come up with something that will keep the blogs in the proper categories.
The spam reporting is being done away with. We will be using the top and drop method for all content here at apsense.
This will be explained further in this weeks newsletter. Lynn
Comments (75)
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
Members would only get one vote for the top and drop. This will help in the selection for homepage feature posts and blogs...this will stop spam from finding its way to the front page. Lynn
Eric Smith
Online Professional
It all sounds good.
I'm not sure how the "Top" and "Drop" feature is susposed to work but the way it sounds, i am guessing it would also be potentially "open for abuse" by people who do not respect (and value) a competitive market ???
Teodor M.
Blockchain Real Estate
Ok. I just had no time to read all but I'll read your comments there. Thank you.
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
What are to saying? I am not following. Both Kristian and I responded in that thread. As stated in the thread, there is only ONE section in the blogs for advertising. Lynn
Teodor M.
Blockchain Real Estate
The amazing fact is that Apsense is far away from being perfect! I DO NOT like perfection, because it doesn’t exist on this world. Sure it is in the Kingdom of God, but not here. This is why I like Apsense, because it is perfectible, not perfect!
Just read it and you’ll be surprised to discover that blogs categories here at Apsense will FORCE you to advertise, not to write articles or journal texts!!! Apsense staff should read this, yesterday…!
Teodor M.
Blockchain Real Estate
I agree. In my opinion in the new Internet era a classroom could be:
- a forum
- a chatroom
- a conference room
- the group you join
- a blog
- any good social networking site where you can interfere
- an IM
- etc.
Karen Weir
Local Internet Advertising Consultant
I have access to an online conference room, and I would love to set aside some time each week to "conference" with other apsensers. I have had a few people ask me to help them with their ABC and was planning to have, not necessarily a class, but a discussion in a live environment. I can share what I know, and so can others.
Interested? Send me a note!
~ Karen ~
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
The apsense group is for asking questions. Lynn
Pilar Tobias
Financial Strategist
A classroom for newbies would be great. I would really want to learn more. I don't want to be blacklisted by anyone for posting the wrong information in the wrong area due to lack of knowledge or lack of experience.
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
You are welcome Tobia. This is just a brief explanation. Be sure to read this weeks newsletter. Lynn
Teodor M.
Blockchain Real Estate
I agree with you and am very happy to be a part of a serious business team, but many people here don't know the difference between an article and a text ad, or between blog (journal) and advertising, or they mix up marketing and advertising, etc.
Somebody should take care fo these guys and girls. One lady who has sent me emails posted only her link there!! No words, nothing! When I told her do not spam her answer was: Apsense is a great place where we can exchange business opportunities, so wh
Tracy Morris
Wondered where the Spam History bit had gone?!
Pilar Tobias
Financial Strategist
Thanks for the info. I am new to all of this and sometime may post in the wrong area or may not even know how to post. I went back to my blogs and have classified all of them to the best of my knowledge. I have learned so much from this network.
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
Your welcome. Spam will now just be dropped instead of reported. Lynn
Karen Weir
Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Thats great Lynn! Thanks for keeping us "in the loop".
I am happy to hear about dropping the spam reporting. It's a great concept, but without accountability on the part of the reporter, it is too wide open for abuse - the very thing it is intended to curb!
~ Karen ~