Quick Apsense Update (top & drop - spam reports -blogs)

Posted by Lynn I.
Aug 13, 2007
Hi, There seems to be alot of questions about the new changes here at apsense. So here is a very brief explanation. When the new blog categories came out..We recognized there was no place for everyday blogs...so we came up with the life in general category. I have also read many comments about the blog categories being all advertising and no content, there is a classifieds section for ads. The rest is for learning and for sharing content in those different areas. Also they will be trying to come up with something that will keep the blogs in the proper categories. The spam reporting is being done away with. We will be using the top and drop method for all content here at apsense. This will be explained further in this weeks newsletter. Lynn
Comments (75)
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

And as quickly as those top spot ads appeared, they are now gone. LOL

What happened to those groups with high marks? This one is now on top with a score of only 2 - the 7s, 8s, and 9s are all gone?

I realize its only day 1 Lynn, and like I said I do appreciate the efforts and I also understand that there is no simple answer.

~ Karen ~

Aug 15, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

I too enjoy my time here. And I have never concerned myself with the ratings. When we had the star system, I would give stars for good blog posts, when I see goog posts now, I'll use the Top It button - because that is the system that is there.

We can see the issues with it though - look at the ratings for this thread... dropping significantly. Look at the main page under Groups... all we see is the same post with highTop it ratings advertising a new way to remove hair... I'm all for hair

Aug 15, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

We have mentioned that there are several blog categories, and only one of them are for advertising. And there was even a section added, for those blogs that don't fall into the other sections. The groups are found by keywords and the business centers are also divided into categories.
As far as all the ratings...a member doesn't have to rate every post or blog they read, even though it takes just a few seconds. That is a personal choice. I enjoy my time here and I still find time

Aug 15, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

Thank you for your kind words. I would keep telling the truth. You will have those who will drop a topic to prove a point or just to show they can. There have been at least four members drop this post. A post that everyone should read. Most likely because they are not happy with the new system. Actions like this do nothing to help members here at apsense. Lynn

Aug 15, 2007 Like it
Jenny Stewart

Hi All,

And now topping and dropping on busines centre products!! OMG

Whatever happened to old fashioned relationship building? Please guys - no more voting buttons!! If we have to rate the business centres , top or drop everything we read, top or drop other people's products and services, count out posting points and compete for spotlight positions..... and we've only just got rid of the spam count! - WHEN DO WE GET ANY TIME TO READ AND WRITE CONTENT??

I love this place - but I am g

Aug 14, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Thanks Lynn,

As i said before, i'm all for the new system. It seems like a winner.

Now the only thing i have to work out is - Do i continue to speak truthfully and up-front about what i believe in, or do i suck up to those who might Drop me....

Lynn, has anyone told you how great you are with your moderating skills here at APsense. You do a terrific job. There should be a moderators award heading your way.... ;o) ;o) ;o)

Aug 14, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

Of course that wouldn't be ethical. But, as stated by myself and Kristian most of the apsense membership is going to use this feature as it is intended. We know there will be a few that don't. But we need to focus on the bigger picture and stop using so much energy focusing on the few that may abuse it. Lynn

Aug 14, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Sorry, i have another question...

Some members may contact others in their groups and tell them "I'll top you if you top me".... Would this be ethical and if not how could it be monitored ?

Aug 14, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

The post just get pushed to the bottom, it does not get removed from the system. That way if someone does a search for your content it will still be there. Lynn

Aug 14, 2007 Like it
James Max

Blog Network Community

Although I agree with Kristian that we are accentuating the "Negative" over the "Positive" - I still maintain that content is subjective and preferential.

If people always listened to the Movie Critics, many Great Films would never see the light of day!

On this site the people who have the largest group support will get more "tops" just because they have the support; and not necessarily the quality of the content.

But that's Life, Lol. Deal with it, as they say!

Aug 14, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Thanks Kristian,

I think its better than the old report system.

I think if we just focus on adding quality content and forget about reporting system things might slowly move forward...

Are subjects deleted completely at any point - say if the get 10 drops in a row - or will they always remain in the system ?

Aug 14, 2007 Like it
Kristian H.

GOT Team Cofounder


Pasted from "how it works" - http://www.apsense.com/howitworks.html

Top It? At Apsense the quality of the contents are decided by our users through a simple rating system. If you see contents that think is good and deserves more attention, just take a few seconds to click the "Top It" button. The more votes and good ratings a particular content receives, the higher it will be listed in our listings and search results.

Drop It? On the other hand, if you see c

Aug 14, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

Maybe this would work....

If a single member has "x" reports - program their ability to report on others to be turned off.

This would prevent members from being "spiteful" and going on a rampage on any one members blogs and subjects.

Sorry Lynn, not being negative, just keeping the flow of ideas going.

Aug 14, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

Eric, it scares me when we agree ;)

The thing is that when there is accountability - such as IP address tracking and explanation required, there will be very few reports. At a minimum, the person who's post was dropped should be able to see who dropped it - these little things would make people accountable for their actions, and they would be certain to use the features with caution.

This truly has nothing to do with maturity. It has to do with competing for position. When it comes to g

Aug 14, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

Members may only use the top and drop option once per post and blog and products & services. Just like it is in the business centers. And yes there will be those who abuse it. But, most will not. There is no perfect system. The reason the spam reporting was stopped, was because staff doesn't have the time to read every single report everyday....most of us would like to think that most members are mature enough to use these features in a productive way. And one bad vote will not harm a post or bl

Aug 14, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional


your suggestion has potential....

Most traffic exchanges have a report feature where we need to enter a reason why we reported the website.

The only downside to this would be the time admin would have to consume going through all complaints and either deleting the topic or removing the "flag" from the topic in question.

Either way, peer to peer reporting can only lead to things like teodor mentioned below.

For example...

You and I have had differing opinions on professi

Aug 14, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

Karen, you're right. I just could't leave yet this place... And I’m sorry, but I can’t believe we waste our time on this topic.

One more thought, taken from the real world we live

It’s like Hitler did:

If you’re an Aryan, I’ll TOP you!
If you’re Jewish, I’ll DROP you!

Please do something and STOP this unfair and subjective way of selection here!

I understand, somebody made a mistake, we are human beings, but don’t TOP this idea, j

Aug 14, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

I have to agree with Teodor. I do not think that top and drop is anymore effective in getting good content to rise to the top. It is too subjective, and again open to abuse. I can go and Top all of my friends content - whether it is blatant ads or good articles.

In my opinion, what has been lacking, and continues to be lacking, is accountability. The spam report feature would have been far superior to this simple subjective Top and Drop if accountability features were added in - such as

Aug 14, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

How can you be so sure that all those who will 'drop' know what they are doing and are able to give a professional and objective opinion? Still, we do not talk about opinion here. If I don't like you, I'll DROP you easy, with one click! How can you measure the fairness of those two little words, TOP and DROP??
Sincerely, you must REVIEW this and look for better PROFESSIONAL ways to avoid Spam here. There are at least 20 of them, I mean fair and effective ways to avoid Spam, that just came now in

Aug 14, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

This is a way to keep the good content seen. At the same time this will keep the spam where it belongs. Also with this method there is no spam reporting. You can still mark a comment as unrelated...but there is no spam score attached to it. Lynn

Aug 14, 2007 Like it
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