The Reasons to DROP - Conclusions

Posted by Teodor M.
Sep 21, 2007
Being in business for over 20 years, I like to help groups with my humble knowledge on marketing. What I usually do is to post an article to more than one group with that specific topic, in order to contribute with content to my joined groups. Is it ok with Apsense rules posting the same content on more groups? I’m not sure but if you belong to more than one group, why do not share your content that might help people from all those groups? Can someone clear this aspect? Thanks. Back to my issue, I see a phenomenon when I post a new subject in a specific group I’ve joined. People from one group rate it as TOP few times, while in another group the same article was dropped once. Why this happens? Few reasons to meditate and see if someone find him/herself there: - Freedom of expression, used or understood in bad way - The competition doesn’t like you, not the content - The content requires higher level of knowledge in that domain, so the visitor gets angry… - You just play with the buttons and don’t care about author’s effort… - The topic is different from group’s topic (this could be an objective reason). I couldn’t find more that one objective reason to drop someone’s good work even if it’s competing with my work… If you do, please let me know! All the above-mentioned reasons are subjective, so why to drop? I just can't imagine what kind of brain these people have? If I don't like something (for example I don’t like so many ads published in wrong places), I just leave that page but don't drop. When I see my so-called “competition” publishing good articles I TOP them not drop! What nasty people don’t understand is that social networking is not based on “traditional” competition but on valuing community and people, help each other growing, friendly attitude, positive criticism and so on. I’d like our community growing and keeping here all those who understand and know the value of this great business oriented social networking community named Apsense. Saying this, believe me, I will TOP all your good content and even will help other to write good quality content. For good quality copywriting I will recommend you to hire a paid consultant or coach, but for quality content you can count on me, and if you are a sociable Apsenser I wont charge you for that. What would you like to see? Toppers or Droppers? Waiting to find out your frank and honest opinion. Thanks.
Comments (83)
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

Thanks a lot Eric. You must be a SEO prof !
Good advice for all to keep in mind.

Sep 21, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

I have posted a lot of articles at ezine articles. They are a great service and i have many articles with some solid PR.

ezine articles is set up well, it has lots of different links and information on the page with the articles.

I often wait for an article to be accepted at ezine articles then i will add the same article here, or at other Social Networks or blogs.

Am i concerned about duplicate content ? Not Really.

Duplicate content is only really a problem when duplicated across

Sep 21, 2007 Like it

Some people may still think they are playing on a playground and may be finding it difficult to grow up. Some do not understand the word "social". Web 2.0 is about marketing while/as you are being social. It's one application that is providing you the opportunity to accomplish two things at the same time.

I hope this helps!

Sep 21, 2007 Like it
Thea Westra

Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!

Thank you Teodor and Bill.
I think we've got it all very well said and equally well covered.

Meantime, I thought you might both enjoy this one,
since we're now on the topic of cats and cooking. :) lol

You'll laugh when you see this...

Sep 21, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

Hi Bill,
Just a joke about the 2 different topics you mentioned:
Cooking for Cats ;-)

Sep 21, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Teodor,

As I made the selfish comment I will respond.

I have not addressed this comment to anyone specific. There are many that do it. Those that do need to be made aware of the results of their actions and possible reaction to it such as getting their posts dropped.

As with Thea it is a general comment we all need to take into consideration.

It is my opinion that those that make multiple duplicate content posts really do not realize just how damaging it can be for them. Either th

Sep 21, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

I saw some of my old Apsense friends here (on widget ;-) and would like to hear their opinion also. Thanks.

Sep 21, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

Thanks Thea, Lynn, Rusty, Bill, and Lateef for your feedbacks. .
Thea, I don't take it personally at all. I just wanted to clarify this things and I received even more than I expected, wise and objective answers and comments. We should make a moral rule from this - do not duplicate your content at Apsense for many reasons mentioned here. And make it so that newcomers see it and know it. I don't know exactly how this can happen, but is just a suggestion after our discussion. What do you think?

Sep 21, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

I really started to love Apsense community. I'm not a sentimental man, but you people here have an excellent...
- sense of community
- sense of balance
- and even sense of humor ;-)
Thank you again.

Sep 21, 2007 Like it
Thea Westra

Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!

I hope you weren't referring to what I wrote Teodor. Nothing I wrote was personal to anyone. I was speaking very generally. Please do not curtail your activity. Your content is always excellent.
However, if you do post the same content in several places, yes... then I would love to see you not do that. :)
It doesn't mean you need to participate at fewer groups, just write different things at different groups.
When we receive messages via Apsense Express then we get all our groups' subjects to

Sep 21, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

I understand. I didn't do it becasue of selfishness, who knows me can tell you that I'm not this kind of man, but I did it for the reason specified above, to participate in my groups. Because there wasn't a clear rule about this, I asked now here if it's ok to do it or not.

After reading your comments, I admit that it is better do not publish repeated content forthe reasons mentioned, so I'll stop doing it and aslo will reduce the participation in groups. I think it is much better to find one

Sep 21, 2007 Like it
Thea Westra

Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!

I top all good content such as this. If I see that it has information which benefits us all then I'm even more pleased with the content.
I only top items once though. If I see it duplicated then I'll not top it again at another group or source.
I think I've only ever dropped a topic once. I can't recall the exact reason.
From memory I think that it was a subject completely and ridiculously unrelated to the group's topic, and it either had only 2 or 3 lines or it had a ream of print, purely and

Sep 21, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

I see no reason to top the same article 10 or more times, so I will top it once. Another reason some members may be dropping repeat posts is that they are enticed with a different title..yet when they open the link, its the same post they read earlier word for word. So they feel as if this person has wasted their time. I just move on to newer posts. But, this is irritating. And in the long run it is hurting the posters reputation. Lynn

Sep 21, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

Hi Lateef ,
One very good thing Apsense already improved is posting widgets so you know who visits your page. By checking people who visited you can even find out who is the one who dropped, but who has time to waste in such thing. However, Apsense team made many improvements and they might take into consideration your suggestion some how, who knows.

Sep 21, 2007 Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

I have to take into consideration all comments but the SE positioning is very important as Bill says. This is a very good reason do not publish the same article twice. Thanks Bill for remainding me that.

Sep 21, 2007 Like it
Rusty Rose

To my way of thinking, I don't see where you ever have to "drop" a post. Just don't "top" it if you don't like it and if enough people agree with you, it will never get a high score. But definitely do take the extra effort to "top" it if you like it.

Sep 21, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Teodor,

Many people are under the false impression that "Content is King"

The truth is "UNIQUE Content is King"

Apart from posting good quality articles to help others, the next most important reason is to get good Search Engine positioning.

Posting the same article, even with different titles, all over the place is not going to help the poster to get better Search Engine positions.

What Happens is the Search engines pick up that it is duplicate content and then flag it and d

Sep 21, 2007 Like it
Lateef Oladeji

Internet Marketer

Hello, friend. I quite appreciate your lines of reasoning about people topping up or dropping down haphazardly, I mean without any justifiable pattern. Well, what else would one expect where there is no provision for one to justify one's rating? Definitely, such ratings would be subject to the whims and caprices of the raters/rators. I am sure some members just rate to earn points (if Apsense still reward rating). They do not need, therefore, to read a content (and get slowed down thereby) to ra

Sep 21, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

I think its probably the personality of the type of person attracted to a specific group. For example, a group set up for Free advertising will attract "free advertisers" who don't care much for great content.

The same would probably apply to other groups and niche markets.

Sep 21, 2007 Like it
Cambodia Fund

Thank you very much for your explaination. I am a new member of APSENSE
I try to search and do any content on the Apsense to rais money for children orphanage
who live in my city, for now I have 4 websites to design so, I need someone who want to advertise on my website.

APSense will be free on my website.

Sep 21, 2007 Like it
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