I have a problem with the business exchange!
hey guys, i can't surf the biz exchange here, the reason is some what related to the reslution, i use a reslolution of 800x600 and the top bar (which states the levels of tops/drops etc) is not totally avaialable to me, what is i that i can do??
Comments (10)
Sam Pitta
Business Consultant & Online Programs Promoter WW
Hi are you doing any pay-per-click programs?
contact me through sending your details to my email id: response2post@gmail.com so that we can have further cooperation in our INTERNET BUSINESS DEVELOPMENTS OK Than Q
Your all business are good and I think it is better you all contact me for better coordinations as I am in grouping people working in pay-per-click programs
Ghous Zaman
that is another good idea! thanks a lot guys
Bj aka Bill Brown
Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Ghous,
As I see it you have two options open to you.
1 upgrade the screen to a larger one.
If that is not an option right now.
You could swap screen resolution to use the Business center Exchange then swap it back when you finished doing that for the rest of the Family
Ghous Zaman
thanks for the help guys!! i really appreciate it and yeah bjantiques you are right i did ask abt that but then i forgot, so sorry and thanks for coming back to me...i'll try this thing out...actually my pc montior is small 14 inch so this resolution of 1024x768 is looking really wierd for the rest of my oc usage...yeah the biz exchange prob is solved but i made the rest of my family who uses the pc go mad...lol!...i'll see what i can do.
Joseph Botelho
Working on one project at a time.
Easy stuff just increase your size to 1024 in your business.........You can found all them answers in f & Q as most of the members have said above.....
Lee Poulson
Health Coach
I have similar problems because I keep my resolution at 800 x 600.
I have trouble seeing the screen at higher settings.
It makes me have to scroll back and forth on most sites, but at least I can see the screen.
Bj aka Bill Brown
Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Ghous,
You asked this question in, this post
and I responded and advised you to change your screen resolution to 1024 x 768.
Hi Ghous,
Chris idea will work, but you have to go from the settings to advanced and than to monitor, their you can change it.
Hope it works for you too, as I have had the same problem before.
Chris R
Hi Ghous,
I have only one suggestion. Go to 'start' then 'Control Panel' > 'Display' and then the 'Settings' tab where you can adjust the screen resolution. Perhaps that will help.
Trade in Thailand
Thea Westra
Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!
No idea Ghous. Sorry.
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